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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday March 24th, 2005 at 9:36am

Ok. So there will be no mention of pie at all in this entry save this part. I was only messing with ya... The District Line seems bored of being punctual today. Grr. I am going to be soo late... Yesterday was spent trying to get Tiles/Struts to behave and failing. Annoyances pervaded the day. Feh. Still - long weekend planned - closely followed (possibly) by a day off. Need to confirm today. Retro after work. Got to hug owen lots, which was nice. James is away until Sunday and ref:Adam’s gonna be busy so am probably going to take my camera and Jam over to Owen’s and take pervy pics whilst cackling at Chris Morris’ brain... The woman sat opposite me looks just like the woman being beaten by a spacehopper up a tree whilst mouthing “Loving You” La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la, la la, la la, la la, do be do do be doo, laaaaa-aaa-aah-aaa-ah-ah-aaa If you know it... ; ) jimmy was pished. footle was jittering. mage was sipping “Norsk” Smirnoff and coke. Various other people appeared and disappeared including vervain and taxidriver. Drinks were served by the lovely zzzp, sexylushcrazycool and log - too much voddie. James split with his bf and there was some drama. Decided to get fags but had no cash so went to the Swan for cashback and more drinks and to watch fit boys get their kit off. The second guy who stripped was 18 and gorgeous (and from Ilford, Owen ; )) - even James said “I’d do him” *cackle*. All defined and smooth - fwoor. Got in, went to bed. Adam and James stayed up cackling about stuff for a change *smirk* Tired and have a lot to do today. Blurgh. Hoping, as I’ll have a nice quiet weekend, that I can manage to get the new freakcity done. Will see...

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