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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 at 13:14pm

13 men made the world another 9 ended it Through the haze They look down and regret The end

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Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 at 8:49am

So I spent much of yesterday vomming. It was lovely and gorgeous. Oh yes ; ) Forgotten how good “God is a DJ” is : D Shits and vom. It was vile : ( A friend was watching US tv - a chat show about the latest student massacre - no mention of the US shit gun laws being at fault, but apparently trenchcoats should be banned from schools - because, obviously, the trenchcoat is at fault “’Hitler obsession’ of gun rampage student” claims Metro, right next to photo of Michael Jackson. Cunning. Bumped into Stewart McGowen (think that was his surname) on Saturday night in the village - seems Kris from work used to work for him in Leeds - small world. Also bumped into the artist formerly known as Liveboy on - was cool : ) Good god the US gun killing student mings. I feel sick but am fairly sure I won’t be. I feel like I need to crap but I’m fairly sure I won’t be able to for a few days after the amount of immodium I had. Watched the new Doctor Who yesterday. CGI was a bit crappy. Billie was less annoying than she could have been. The Autons were crap. The thing I loved about the show was gone - the detective style of storytelling - the story dragged out over a few episodes - this seemed rushed. The doctor not being Paul McGann with no explanation. Dramatic music all the way through. Etc. Will see if it gets any better.

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