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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

The Blog Today

Monday March 21st, 2005 at 8:55am

+Friday+ I think I sulked at Struts lots. Refactoring fun and games. Finished the first two pages - sulked at the rest. Arranged to meet ref:Adam at Euston at 6:30 - had a haircut at Hammersmith. Got to Euston on time and farted around getting tickets for a bit. Phoned Adam as he was ten minutes late - he answered and told me he was just leaving. I swore. He turned up an hour later as I was on the phone being told by Rob that trains in the North were fucked and that he’d not be able to hang around to meet us - which was annoying as I wanted to see him to thank him for the (rather expensive) tickets. Virgin Pendolinos (or whatever they are) are lovely. Although I think I might have been in an unlabelled first class carriage as it was prettier than the one home. Started writing a story on Libby. Got bored. Stopped. Arrived late - fortunately that meant a) that we didn’t have to wait forever for a train and b) they were all fucked anyway so we got one within about 10 minutes of arriving that had been delayed 20 mins. Katie, Shaun’s girlfriend, picked us up from the station and drove us to the hotel - Shaun had given us a suite as he was out of doubles - bottle of champagne waiting for us. Rah! Sat in the bar and had a couple of drinks with him and then they drove us into Birmingham. DV8 is dirrrty. We liked : D XXL Brum - and half the people in there were London regulars. Spotted James straight away as he had his hair up - “Adam, this is what James looks like erect” *giggle*. Said hello to Steve too and somehow managed to end up buying them all drinks, cept possibly Steve who I think wandered to the loo at the wrong moment. Or didn’t ask or something. No idea ; ) Danced a bit. Drank a lot. Said hello to entadaeastenda and his OH Andy. Jay was there too in just a pair of dungarees *dribble*. And the usual fat blokes too. I’ll not mention how filthy Adam was but I was shocked! 3am and everyone had fucked off, so we thought about cabbing home. Got a quote of 30 from a bloke and Adam said “20” tho he claims he didn’t and we got in a very very dodgy sortablack cab with a cracked windscreen with wipers that were stuck halfway up it, fluffy dice and a dodgy was 30 in this one too and the bloke was on about wanting a drink off me for looking after me so well. Or something. Thought we were gonna die... Got back to the hotel at around 4amish I think. Polished off the champagne and had some lovely food then stayed up chatting until 6:30am. Woke Adam at just before 10 on Saturday for brekkie, had waaay too much food, ogled the chef a bit (fwoor) and then went back to our room for a bit, packed and checked out. Shaun drove us to his new place - very pretty! Sat about, had coffee, looked at his New York pics, then he drove us back to Brum for the train. Made Adam get the train without a cigarette so he sulked at me... ...back in London at about 3ish. Took another two fucking hours to get home though because all transport was arsed. James was there by the time we got back, took his bags in, watched some of my newly arrived Jam DVD and cackled lots and lots and lots. Bought The Day Today too, which I think arrived at about Thursday or something...watched the rest of it at the weekend as well. They do a little mockumentary called “The Office” which *must* be where the inspiration for “The Office” came from... Went to find the fat blokes for the chubcrawl. Found them. Steve forgot that he left his bag at my place so Adam wandered down with it. Steve went home, we went for Mr Wu. My chicken wing bled and I complained to be told “sorry, it happens sometimes” and they still charged us. Not eating there again, fuckers. Went to XXL, tho I didn’t stay that late as I was knackered. Left James with taxi money and went home via some buses as I didn’t think he’d be able to work out the buses on his first night in London (tho to be fair, they’re a bit convolouted and you have to walk over bridges and t

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