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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Anywhere is.

Tuesday March 15th, 2005 at 9:04am

Owen showed me a new way of doing stuff using the box model. It’s deeply sexy. Deeply deeply so. Spent yesterday doing it for Hotels. have shaved 20k off just the landing page by doing this. It deeply rocks. Orange have just cut me off again. Bastards. Very productive day considering the lack of sleep. Met ref:James after work - he was with a mate downstairs in the Scariest Bar In The World - the Quebec. Invited Zaty to join us. He made it as far as upstairs, couldn’t see me, then ran away. Took James to Barcode after we’d disentangled ourselves from the bleached bones downstairs. £1 a pint! Rah! Cute fit blonde tanned muscly bloke type barman too. Grr! The mate James had gone to see offered him the chance to be in London Fashion Week, so he’s all excited : ) I think something crawled up my arse and died last night, judging by the very special smells emenating from it. It’s lovely. My new clothes seem to be going down well : D Went back to the flat and acquired ref:Adam then wandered down to Windypops after peeling a sleeping James off the carpet. Well, he had been up all night *smirk* Said hello to bumpy, zaty, smee, anandamide, mavis, etc - and a miserable Sal who required many hugs. Not enough people there - still fun though. Got in at 2ish and I went to bed whilst the others played with the interweb. James goes back today. I promised him grannypr0n for when he gets back. We found midgetpr0n the other day - “45 inches of horny dwarf” *cackle* and apparently she can take 12 inches - though not sure where she puts it. It’s all a bit wrong ; ) Be at work soon. Then I can phone Orange for my monthly rant. And continue with my adventures. Ranj says to me “What you using to generate XHTML?” - I reply with “My brain” *giggle* NP: Little Fluffy Clouds. In other news - the Vatican has condemned the Da Vinci code for its “lies” as the rest of the world struggles to care. Somebody should probably explain the concept of “Fiction” to Cardinal Bertone. (reported as Cardinal Bertone, 70 in the Metro as if to underline how out of touch he is ; ))

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