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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Well I wonder...

Friday March 11th, 2005 at 9:27am you hear me when you sleep? I am tiredly. Sleepy. Too much to do this week. Splargh! It’s red nose day and I’m in black. Black out of my mouth, the black of my mood. Dan says he’s going forever. I don’t know where. James is being strange. Work worked yesterday. I can almost code again. My fingers are weary from typing. Pouring my mind into a small black box that bears no attachment to me. My memory arrived yesterday - I added it to ref:Libby - she seems happier now. I am merely waiting for the drive to make her very shiny indeed. Westminster station shimmers through the window - shiny metal and stark, unforgiving grey, streams past as I listen to something unintelligble on the Karma - faintly annoyed by the warbling but lacking the will to reach into my pocket to find “skip”. The dictionary captured me yesterday - before I knew it I had lost an hour and it had gained a handful of new words. So very tired. Talked to danlad some last night. he seemed dismayed at Gaz and Deev’s split. Told him I’d see him soon. Michael_Jackson apparently cried yesterday. Poor love, I’m sure it’ll all be over soon, but does he have the heart to cry when he’s naked and alone, with only god watching? I just had a flash back to the Michael Jackson film “Moonwalker” - The tortures parents subject their children to... Slowly the District Line rattles on, taking me ever closer to the one place I don’t want to be. Jeremy Clarkson - he’s a bit of a cunt inne? Pam Ann tonight at the Swan. Hoping she’s on better drugs than last time. Weekend of calm. No drinking. Too many fags (spoil the broth). So I’ll have to buy a red nose. It doesn’t matter that I work for two charities in my spare time, that I part funded people going to Iraq to help children and people making a documentary about it. That I donate considerably more than one pound every month to a good cause. No, it doesn’t matter, because I’ll still be hassled if I don’t follow the flock and buy a red nose. Even though all they ever do with their money is buy a red nose and piss the rest down the pub toilet. Right. This is my stop. See you all tomorrow?

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