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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday March 10th, 2005 at 11:13am

The fucking thing did lose my journal this time. Bah. Yesterday. Worked and worked and worked and finished other people’s work at around 7pm so I could get mine done. In around 10 minutes. Yes, I spent all day fixing other people’s problems so I could do 10 minutes of work. Cuntybaws. Lots of KHRP finished yesterday, Larochelleuk will be happy ; ) Dan came over in the evening - in a suit - Owen would have approved. Some dodgy deal or other means he’s a bit rich right now ; ) Have lost HillBilly. Gah. No idea where he is. Will phone him again tomorrow... Been playing with my Rio Karma all day. It’s purty. Very purty. Blue glow is funky too. I shall take some arty pics of it soon enough just to show off how good I am at still photography *cackle* 17p and a mars bar won’t buy you happiness. Have inserted more songs into the Rio. And have decided that as its file system runs on the file’s id3 tag that maybe I should get around to editing the tags in the hundreds of songs that I have that are tagged all wrong. totally forgot to install U2 on there. Woops. Spent lots of yesterday busy reading reviews about how good the bugger is and how lovely etc...and how much better than an iPod it is. Am impressed with signal to noise ratio - I know the hiss I’m hearing is from the tape recorded in 1978 and then remastered to CD and not from the device, frinstance. And it’s gorgeous glowy blue bits. Navigation is easy, blue big 16 shades of grey backlit screen is pretty, UI is fast and responsive, synching is easy (although it somehow crashed WinXP yesterday) and AutoDJ rocks. It’s almost exactly the same as the MusicMatch one. So iTunes/iPod users will be impressed with functionality denied to them that’s been around for 5 or so years *cackle* All tracks are by default gapless, so when listening, for example, to The_Wall - it all comes out perfectly. Occasionally there’s a small click, but that’s it. Typical of me to choose this album as the first album to listen to on it really isn’t it? ; ) got to bed at 2am because I was working/geeking. Gah. So very tired!

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