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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday March 9th, 2005 at 11:06am

I wrote a lovely journal entry but alas, it was eaten by my Palm crashing. Oh. No it wasn’t, I was just looking in the wrong place. D’oh. • 9:23: Yarg. Getting X to work in widescreen is a bit fun. Still - I managed it ok. I now have 42" of KDE in the living room. Plays video and stuff just like it used to - only it does it correctly now - not using the vesa FB device but using the NVidia drivers. Yay! Woken early by the postman. New Rio Karmas have arrived and I’m impressed so far : ) James was visiting a mate last night - so just geeked. Did some freakcity and got a headache. *smirk* Now I have to think of a use for my 1GB SD card. Might try watching video or something...or might put it in the camera. Wil didn’t get into London art college : ( It’s very odd having this many odd songs in my pocket. Possibly the least shocking headline ever in the Metro this morning - smokers’ babies apparently are at risk from cancer

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