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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Am I mad?

Tuesday March 8th, 2005 at 9:24am

Either the “For Dummies” books are getting increasingly bizarre or I’m hallucinating in a rather interesting way. On the way home yesterday I saw someone reading “Letting for Dummies” or somesuch and thought “eh?!” - and I’ve just seen someone reading “Google for Dummies”. Most bizarre. Didn’t think there was enough google to warrant a whole book, but hey! Not much done yesterday. Was feeling ming. Broke my server too. Oops! Now running 2.6.10 though. Tasssty. Changed from SVideo to component RGB in an attempt to get better quality from the DVD/Plasma combo. Wibble. Sorta worked I think. Failed to get any KHRP done or make it to Windypops tho...Grr. Oh well, ref:Smess will just have to try and seduce James some other time *cackle* Got sound working this morning. Server complete. The Fedora Core 3 version of 2.6.10 is pretty damn sexy and capable of loading the Speedtouch firmware microcode from within the kernel - so you plug it in and it syncs then works with nothing external required. Next I build a custom kernel with added Netfilter goodies. Cooked chicken. Watched Angel with James. Went to bed and slept. Etc ; )

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