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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday March 7th, 2005 at 8:51am

Oi, Mr Cynds, that’s the DVD player, right there! ^^ (clicky)
Oi, Mr Cynds, that’s the DVD player, right there! ^^
1].jpg What difference does it make? * Scott dances to the Smiths on the DLR I am tired and blinded by lights. My mind is a mess of opportunity - new ideas litter the streets of my consciousness like fag butts in a back alley, all blowing away with the breeze of time. OK. I shall stop talking in cliché now : D I need to write something soon. Either bookish or filmish or musicish. Am feeling creative and need to do something about it. Ideally, I want to take all the 01/W sample data and whack it onto a PC and sort out soft synth noises to make PC versions of my songs. Not yet sure what to do though - it’s odd that I know so much about computers and music but so little about the two together ; ) Daily_Mail: One in 20 asylum seekers has HIV (and treating them can cost £150,000 each) They fail to mention that it’d cost less than £500 each per year if we used generics instead of brand name antivirals, but that the Tories signed away our rights to do that in the name of free trade...That paper pisses me off. I stabbed myself on the TV box as I put it out for the binmen this morning. Now I look like I’ve attempted to slash my wrist. And it hurts. Bought me and Adam a new mp3 player each, as Owen’s one’s soo cute. Should arrive by Friday, fingers crossed. Think I’ll stop spending money now... Got some KHRP to do to tonight to go with the bits I got done last night. I so need to finish thinking about making a dynamic version of the site. And I need to add some bits to c2i. And I need to finish Freakcity a bit more. Grr. Too much to do! And I have to entertain James and see Dan. My life is so complex ; ) Deleted Angel from the FTP as I now have the DVDs. So I now own Buffy S1-7 and Angel S1-5. Sad bastard. I need a bookshelf and somewhere to put my old videos. I’m thinking I’m gonna digitise the ones I want to keep (mostly live shows) and just chuck ’em.

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