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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Sunday March 6th, 2005 at 23:42pm

Isn’t it big? :) (excuse the curtains...) (clicky)
Isn’t it big? : ) (excuse the curtains...)
Went to XXL last night, danced, met some new people, saw Dominik and his new bloke (who I’d met before ; )) and generally chilled out and had fun. Still not had any alcohol in ages. Still not craving it, so maybe I’ll be ok. Ben and Alastair came over to pick up the old telly so I rearranged stuff about a bit to make it all shiny in the livingroom. Ref:Adam sorted out his pile, and now it’s all lovely. Man the telly’s huge. We (ahem) watched some porn on it yesterday. Life size penises scare me. Off to bed in a mo having done some work.

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