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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Please Replace This Empty Title With Your Own Text

Friday March 4th, 2005 at 10:56am

Snooooow. Overexposed Snooooow! (clicky)
Snooooow. Overexposed Snooooow!
I have been syndicated by a LJ user. I have no idea who, but maybe I have a secret admirer who loves my prose ; ) Or maybe I don’t and it’s just David being bored. Or maybe I’m being stalked by that Nice Man from Up There again. Who can say. But HELLO! : D Finished work at a vaguely sensible time yesterday. Chatted to Dan lots during the day and think things might actually start sorting themselves out. Bought James a coach ticket for the weekend. He’ll be home by the time I’m back tonight. Be nice to spend the weekend with someone who’s not a bit loopy for a change *grin* Was at Owen’s last night. Chatted to him lots about what he’s gonna do with his brain. All seems cool, hope he manages today ok. Took him into work and kept him calm. Tho he did most of the work. Yay! Hopefully he’ll not have forgotten it all by Monday : ) Telly Has been attempted to be delivered. ref:Adam was asleep. Grr. Trying to get them to reattempt the delivery today, but they can’t get hold of the driver as he’s a bit special. Apparently. ; ) Snow everywhere in Ilford as we walked to work. Purty purty. Watched some of Angel S5 and question time before bed. Fixed (I think) the RSS feed on Freakcity. Fixed the phantom popup window that appears if you have secretly turned the message checker off. Added a “Journal Bio” to your user profile that’s included in the RSS feed.

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