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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday March 3rd, 2005 at 17:49pm

purty (clicky)
Another pretty piccy. My office being lots of glass, leads to this kind of sunset way too frequently...

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Oh my! Naughty Mail

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 at 9:06am

Lord Rothschild, it appears, was a bit of a naughty boy. Papers released by MIsomething have confirmed his support of the Nazi party before WWII and mention letters he wrote to Hitler as well as his support for Chamberlain’s non aggression treaty and Germany’s invasion of Austria. Tsk. Got some funky work stuff done. Also played with Gel lots - a quite fabby IDE for Java and stuff... Meeting for flights - almost worked out what we’ll be doing. Figured out a neat way of doing hotel fixes too... Off in the evening to do photos for a lovely Irish guy called Alan. He was happy with them and had a lovely accent. Think he wants more later some time. Did them at his place, which was lovely if a little cold (his boiler broke) Got lost and ended up on Hammersmith & City and then Met lines home. ref : Dan turned up at 3am. And woke me. Grr. So. Camera with me again today as I’m staying at Owen’s tonight in the hope I can sort his brain out a bit ; ) Need to phone James tonight to see if he’s coming down or not this w/e Went to use my debit card yesterday evening to find that it didn’t work. Got home to find (free coffee from Kenco and) two identical letters marked urgent from Barclays suggesting my card might have been used for fraud - and that I should phone them aboht it. It also listed 5 payments that were suspect (which were all ones I’d made) and a phone number (which was closed) to phone about it. Curious. So I phone it this morning and I find that it was an entirely different transaction that set it off - namely the one for my telly - but that obviously putting that on the letter would be way too clever. And I only found that out after hassling the bloke...

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