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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

"All the things I should have given but I didn’t"

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 at 9:01am

There’s a woman here with the same hat/hair as the fag hag from the League of Gentlemen. Scary. Nearly fell asleep in a meeting yesterday. In my defence, they were talking about hotel rates - but still...will chat to Rach about it later - maybe see if I can work from home or something for a bit. 10-6 is a little better - though I may be late today as there’s a “non communicating” train in Bank tunnel. Maybe it’s just misunderstood and needs a chat. Managed to install everything on the 6gig drive in the libretto only to have it die on me spectacularly when I tried to install it. First the BSOD (which was fixable) but then the Evo claims “No operating system” and Libby just hangs. Crap. Anyone got a spare 6gig Toshiba laptop HD? *giggle* Bed at 11ish. Slept bad. Grr. Metro headine of the day - “Hash may double mental illnesses” - bless. How the fuck journalists as a whole dare to preach to the rest of us about drugs is beyond me : ) Dan’s off to Scotland. Back tomorrow. Bizarrely I got the feeling I’d not be seeing him for a while when I said goodbye last night. There’s definitely something going on with him. Bah. So - delayed on the DLR then have had to wait 10 mins so far for the District line. Grr. Did a flyer for MySociety last night - had to recreate their logo, which came out very well - was dead chuffed about it : ) Kate’s version of “The Man I Love” from the Glory of Gershwin album is gorgeous. I always forget just how pretty. She has such a 50s voice when she wants to. She’s cropped up onlist - Rochelle wants her albums : )

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