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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday September 29th, 2005 at 10:25am

Dee has cancer : ( Going to try and sort out a PC for my grandparents as she’s their wheels and she’ll not be able to do shopping runs because of the chæmotherapy. Will teach Mij and Vic how to use Tescos online - think they’ll like it... Worried about Oli - he’s 15 now and just coming up to exams age, doing well at school and suddenly this happens : S And Max and Christian are ickle still...grr. Why is life so unfair. Well, I know why, but it doesn’t make things any easier to swallow... On my mum’s side of the family we’re all very close. Dee’s my aunt and only 14 years older than me so we always get on well, we always talk. Oli is her son and my godson - he’s going to be staying with me in London for summers soon...they live with her husband Matt in a little house looking out over the sea, never hurt anyone, never do anything wrong, Oli works hard at school and just did his maths GCSE early, getting an is this going to affect them all? Mum’s on the way down there now to see them - they still haven’t told my grandparents, as they suspect they’ll panic and they’re worried about the effect it might have on their health. Wish there was something I could do. Will try everything I know how to fix this : (

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Thursday September 29th, 2005 at 9:19am

Beautiful CGI (clicky)
Beautiful CGI
As part of this year’s ResFest - they showed the UK premiere of “Innocence” - the sequel to Ghost in the Shell. As it was my birthday, Owen took me along to watch. I’d seen a rip of it from the net - looked good. All I can say is that the big screen truly does it justice - it’s incredible. The CGI is beautifully stylistic and incredibly well done. The story is intriguing and it’s directed in an amazingly filmic way. Go see. Met James’ Alan too - he’s down for a bit because James is off to the US. Tho they came in after drinking and woke me up by James being loud. Grr. Bought an alarm clock, a dimmer switch and a VGA connector - in the hope I can fix my little TFT screen. No luck so far though : ( Work went a bit pearshaped as everything broke : (

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