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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday September 28th, 2005 at 11:20am

Last night I failed to do anything useful whatsoever except make a bit of a mess in the flat. The night before I put my computer desk back together backwards, took it all apart again then put it together correctly again. Alan arrives tonight, the bloke James used to live with in Hudds...have heard nice things about him, will be nice to meet him at last. Going to see Innocence tonight with Owen at the NFT - I’ve seen it but I don’t think he has yet - it’s gorgeous, will be nice to see it on the big screen. So much more flat to do. Really don’t want to be doing anything else until I can finish the flat, but unfortunately work gets in the way. Lots of bits broken in my build. No clue why, still trying to fix it all. Bleh. Bittersweet came over last night and liked the flat. Bought an old CD/RW off me for a tenner and toodled off to try and fix a PC. Watched Babylon Squared and a bit of Ghost in the Shell, as TJ hadn’t seen it. Also played them the first two episodes of Twin Peaks. There appears to be a brand new Twin Peaks box set out, so I might pick it up as it was only £30 in HMV. IT looks exactly the same as the one I’ve got though, which is monumentally stupid of them, and it wasn’t until I read the back that I realised it was a new version. It has commentaries, actually includes the pilot (the old one had 7 episodes on it, this one has 8) and has been remastered. Still don’t know who I lent Angel Season 5 to...grr...

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