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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Moving is such sweet sorrow

Monday September 26th, 2005 at 16:14pm

Should have been the title of the previous blog. Woops.

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Monday September 26th, 2005 at 16:13pm

So I’m in. All of me. Apart from a coffee grinder, Novak and a crap parasol the whole of my flat is now squished into the whole of a new flat. Big thanks to lowlandcactus, straylight, mogwai, lloyd, abeneplacito, hillbilly, alamac, and the letting agency. I got my double bed in the back of a Corsa (!!) New flat is much bigger, definitely. No washer dryer which is a pain, but I’ll live. There’s a lovely washing machine though - it actually made my teatowels look clean : ) Broke my Krups coffee maker - smashed the glass coffee pot. Lloyd drowned the kettle, but the kettle bounced back (after switching the circuit breaker boredly a few times). Many many carfulls of stuff. I have shit to throw away. I have a kitchen without drawers, which is odd. I have a balcony that’s teeny but somehow still has managed to fit three chairs and a bike on it. I have an oscar winning view. I have peace and quiet at night. Nothing but the planes, and they stop after 11... Much as I hate moving, it’s quite nice to have been able to do it on my own (well, on my own with help) rather than asking mommy for a lift. I have peace and quiet inside, in the gaps between doings. It’s pretty. I am happier than I was : )

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