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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday September 22nd, 2005 at 9:39am

Saw my first Serenity posters today on the tube. Looks fabulous. Really hope that it does well, could do with a fresh take on scifi. Such a shame that Mal dies though... Photoshoot went very well, didn’t do the dirty filthy pervy stuff because he had to go meet someone but we’re going to do the dirty filthy pervy stuff another time. And Owen’s probably going to come over and help, which’ll be fun ; ) Still haven’t managed to acquire a (truck/van/estate car/very strong man capable of carrying a double bed a mile) yet so kinda nervous about this weekend. mojen was moaning at me to be at her party, like I have a choice about it or something. I have to move this weekend and it will take as long as it will take. Hopefully will hear from Mother and find out if we’re doing food Sunday or not. Cancelling Sat birthday meal because of the move, will probably have it another time. I’m going to be 31 on Tuesday. fruitbat needs to sort out his ageing thing so I can catch up - I thought all gay men hung around 35 for a few years before moving on to 36? Nikki suggested we all do Amsterdam for a weekend so will float the idea around, even though I’m fairly sure I’m too cheap to be able to afford to go. Still need to find a wodge of money somehow. Considering (as I’ve got the hang of manual focus now - almost all of last night was in focus!) putting an ad on gumtree selling myself as a photographer to earn some spare cash in my spare time. Need to track James down before the weekend and get him to move his stuff. Need to put him and TJ and me into my bedroom to work out what out of the remains belong to Adam or David as there’s still shitloads of clothes everywhere. Need to get some boxes and make people use them... So much to do. Seeing Adam tonight for the first time since he ran off - will see what happens. Will see if I get the truth or not then decide what to do from there. Still need sleep, even though I had a relatively early night last night...

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