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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

On the bus...

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 at 18:21pm

Bored of tubes so bussing home and blogging. Will play with flickr a bit later I think. Getting annoyed with money, gotta think of a way out of this mess and get my cashflow back in order. Being good about stuff at the moment as I’m tired and need not to be making a bad impression at work. Don’t think I am, but am also not working at 100% of my ability and need to be. I feel trapped somewhat and it’s not good. Tonight I’m gonna wander some with Warren I think - and going to try and fix his travelcard too. I always feel depression more in the autumn - It’s why I am like I am at the moment. I suppose I could take pills but I don’t want to have to feel better - I work ok as a person without the forced highs. I feel so tired all the time though - I wish I didn’t - and then I go to sleep and it’s a really light sleep - I wake up so easily... it’s bad. People everywhere are panic buying petrol. Because of a supposed protest that’s about to happen. I suspect it could be that there really is a shortage of petrol and that this is a convenient way to hide it until someone works out what to do about it. Rumours that we’ve hit peak oil coupled with a market that just grows and grows. Well, if we haven’t hit yet then it will be soon, and America, who account for nearly a quarter of oil use, won’t leave the oil in the hands of other people - there will come a day when they can’t buy enough. Chavez will go. Iraq is already in the hands of US corporations. Alaskan tundra has been opened up. And Europe, Russia and China will need to share a dwindling resource with the US. And they really don’t like sharing. A storm is coming. It will affect every person on the planet. And the people in power, the ones we elected to stop terror and keep us safe? They’re the ones fanning the flames. There will be no winners. We will all lose, but the people in power seem blisfully unaware of this.

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Tuesday September 13th, 2005 at 15:13pm

I’m now a flickr pro user. So I might just upload the world and let everyone see how lovely my piccies are ; )

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Tuesday September 13th, 2005 at 9:23am

...and Golf *still* isn’t interesting...

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Tuesday September 13th, 2005 at 8:35am

Finished some bits for work - was shiny. Tho was a bit late in and suffering from no sleep. Bought The Wall special edition thing and Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s “Welcome to the Pleasuredome” - which has some great track titles such as “Krisco Kisses” at lunch. Ate too much. Oops! Still not bored of just walking for an hour every lunchtime - it’s very theraputic. Very brief chat to jamesog on yahoo. He just popped up online. Didn’t recognise my ID when I said hello. Seemed different, in a good way, but ran off after a few words. Kinda left me in an odd mood as I’ve been thinking more about him of late - just makes me wish we could go for coffee or something and catch up. Also leaves me feeling faintly bitter because he told me he’d never forget me, I was too important to him because I had helped him a lot... Oh well - maybe one day... Got back home and ate the remains of the lasagne and watched more B5. Warren could tell something was up but I don’t think I explained it well. Watched the Wall as TJ and Warren looked on, slightly puzzled... Gaz turned up, gave TJ yet another excuse to pull his mac apart and then went to Windypops with Warren. I went to bed. Slept until about 3:30 - Warren woke me when getting into bed, was tired so just went back to sleep but he was upset about something...will talk to him when he gets up and give him a big hug tonight...

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