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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday September 1st, 2005 at 15:35pm

shiny (clicky)
• 9:15: Camp. It’s Saturday and people are waking up. Someone is whistling “Banana Phone” from Mozza’s tent. Disturbing. Think the country air has warped his brain. Thursday and we left work at 5 - said “bye” to everyone there and met mogwai and Mozza outside the office and set off. I’d been clever enough to print off directions to the site from Hammersmith from and we were underway. No real problems at all apart from getting a little lost in Glasto itself. Got into the camp office and booked in - Steve and lloyd arrived at the booking office “Fucking traffic” says Steve as he’s chastised by the Camp Comandant for swearing. As is Lloyd for saying “bastard”. Comedy. “I’ve told you twice now, if I have to ask again you can leave”...Got my tent up right quick smart. Dom, Nikki and Warren were already here but in the pub. Tents in the dark - yay. Went to the award winning toilets and found shit all round the bowl of the first one I went in. Marvellous! Chilled out. Chatted. Waited for everyone else to arrive. Friday was a bit rainy at first but managed to make some sun out of it for bits. Bought yoyos in Tesco for 21p each. Went to a spiritual fair which was strange but amusing - only one person in there noticed me reading them - the “psychic” tarot reader was especially blank. Bought Boji stones. Dom thinks they’re made from plaster but they’re not, he’s just nawty. Scared Lloyd a bit by moving dowsing rods in mysterious ways. Warren got read by a lovely lady who was spot on about him and obviously interested as he paid for a 20 min session and got over an hour’s worth. Back to the campsite for a bit of a drink and a chill. Chatted lots to people and ate bread made from Steve’s dough (fnarr!). Pissed people got back from the pub afterwards and told us all how much fun they’d had. We’d had more tho, we put green wood on the fire and the sap made us our own lil fireworks display (see pic). Earlyish night. Dom was a little bit drunken... Saturday after doing my lil blog bit, I was amused to discover that Dom had been a tad poorly in the night and was asleep hugging a bucket. Hur. Went into town again, this time with Dom and Lloyd and Nikki - we did the festival thing again, listened to a witch talk about wicca, which was fun - she actually knew what she was talking about which made a nice change. Pottered about a bit. Puppy arrived and we went back to the campsite and then tootled off to Morrisons. Lost puppy, shouted “puppy” a few times just to embarass him. Played with yoyos. Decided to go up the tor just after dark. Chips and cheese. Trudged past sleeping cows, stood in much cowshit. Dragged myself to the top and was chilled. Chatted muchly with Warren and gave him huge hugs. had a 3way (hug that is) with him and TJ in the old tower on top of the Tor. Sat in the cold, then wandered home. Sunday there was no hot water in the showers and no loo roll in the toilets. Bah. We wandered round town again, some of them went to the Abbey to shoot things with arrows and lust after the lovely archery man. We hung out around the campsite and then all had way too much to drink that evening. DJ Puppy spun the decks (well, went through his mp3 player finding as much shit as he could and playing it) and we did silly things. Passed out and probably snored. Hur. Monday and we were up fairly late with sore heads. Bimbled round a supermarket. Got told off for racing round the campsite in cars. Not that we were, mind. Tried running some small children over in Sunin’s car but they escaped. Fuckers. Possibly scared Dom with my driving. Sulked at not being able to wheelspin an automatic. Drove Mozza’s car a bit too. Went to the Abbey, where I found a leyline in the crypt and did a holy crap in the toilet. The Abbey was meant to have been founded by Joseph of Aramethia in ar

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