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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday September 29th, 2005 at 10:25am

Dee has cancer : ( Going to try and sort out a PC for my grandparents as she’s their wheels and she’ll not be able to do shopping runs because of the chæmotherapy. Will teach Mij and Vic how to use Tescos online - think they’ll like it... Worried about Oli - he’s 15 now and just coming up to exams age, doing well at school and suddenly this happens : S And Max and Christian are ickle still...grr. Why is life so unfair. Well, I know why, but it doesn’t make things any easier to swallow... On my mum’s side of the family we’re all very close. Dee’s my aunt and only 14 years older than me so we always get on well, we always talk. Oli is her son and my godson - he’s going to be staying with me in London for summers soon...they live with her husband Matt in a little house looking out over the sea, never hurt anyone, never do anything wrong, Oli works hard at school and just did his maths GCSE early, getting an is this going to affect them all? Mum’s on the way down there now to see them - they still haven’t told my grandparents, as they suspect they’ll panic and they’re worried about the effect it might have on their health. Wish there was something I could do. Will try everything I know how to fix this : (

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Thursday September 29th, 2005 at 9:19am

Beautiful CGI (clicky)
Beautiful CGI
As part of this year’s ResFest - they showed the UK premiere of “Innocence” - the sequel to Ghost in the Shell. As it was my birthday, Owen took me along to watch. I’d seen a rip of it from the net - looked good. All I can say is that the big screen truly does it justice - it’s incredible. The CGI is beautifully stylistic and incredibly well done. The story is intriguing and it’s directed in an amazingly filmic way. Go see. Met James’ Alan too - he’s down for a bit because James is off to the US. Tho they came in after drinking and woke me up by James being loud. Grr. Bought an alarm clock, a dimmer switch and a VGA connector - in the hope I can fix my little TFT screen. No luck so far though : ( Work went a bit pearshaped as everything broke : (

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Wednesday September 28th, 2005 at 11:20am

Last night I failed to do anything useful whatsoever except make a bit of a mess in the flat. The night before I put my computer desk back together backwards, took it all apart again then put it together correctly again. Alan arrives tonight, the bloke James used to live with in Hudds...have heard nice things about him, will be nice to meet him at last. Going to see Innocence tonight with Owen at the NFT - I’ve seen it but I don’t think he has yet - it’s gorgeous, will be nice to see it on the big screen. So much more flat to do. Really don’t want to be doing anything else until I can finish the flat, but unfortunately work gets in the way. Lots of bits broken in my build. No clue why, still trying to fix it all. Bleh. Bittersweet came over last night and liked the flat. Bought an old CD/RW off me for a tenner and toodled off to try and fix a PC. Watched Babylon Squared and a bit of Ghost in the Shell, as TJ hadn’t seen it. Also played them the first two episodes of Twin Peaks. There appears to be a brand new Twin Peaks box set out, so I might pick it up as it was only £30 in HMV. IT looks exactly the same as the one I’ve got though, which is monumentally stupid of them, and it wasn’t until I read the back that I realised it was a new version. It has commentaries, actually includes the pilot (the old one had 7 episodes on it, this one has 8) and has been remastered. Still don’t know who I lent Angel Season 5 to...grr...

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Tuesday September 27th, 2005 at 15:47pm

*wump* I think I partook of a little too much happy juice last nightery. Half asleep. Stuff broken. Gah! Amused by trek into work as Bank broke and then the District line broke and I was hideously late It’s my birthday. I’m 31. And I feel old, lonely and sad. Bless. bullied eyesclosed into joining - he’s lovely : )

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Moving is such sweet sorrow

Monday September 26th, 2005 at 16:14pm

Should have been the title of the previous blog. Woops.

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Monday September 26th, 2005 at 16:13pm

So I’m in. All of me. Apart from a coffee grinder, Novak and a crap parasol the whole of my flat is now squished into the whole of a new flat. Big thanks to lowlandcactus, straylight, mogwai, lloyd, abeneplacito, hillbilly, alamac, and the letting agency. I got my double bed in the back of a Corsa (!!) New flat is much bigger, definitely. No washer dryer which is a pain, but I’ll live. There’s a lovely washing machine though - it actually made my teatowels look clean : ) Broke my Krups coffee maker - smashed the glass coffee pot. Lloyd drowned the kettle, but the kettle bounced back (after switching the circuit breaker boredly a few times). Many many carfulls of stuff. I have shit to throw away. I have a kitchen without drawers, which is odd. I have a balcony that’s teeny but somehow still has managed to fit three chairs and a bike on it. I have an oscar winning view. I have peace and quiet at night. Nothing but the planes, and they stop after 11... Much as I hate moving, it’s quite nice to have been able to do it on my own (well, on my own with help) rather than asking mommy for a lift. I have peace and quiet inside, in the gaps between doings. It’s pretty. I am happier than I was : )

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Friday September 23rd, 2005 at 13:35pm vs Was chatting to my friend Jon yesterday - met him at the Swan a while back and have chatted to him on MSN lots. He said “I know another Van Looy” - he lives in Southend, so it’s not that surprising. Jon: Heya Scott: lo Jon: I know another van looy Jon: is that ya surname then Scott: in southend? Jon: Yer Dawn Scott: know her mum or dad’s name? Jon: Dunno but they own a resturant at the seafront Scott: chippie or restaurant? hehe Jon: chippie Scott: Paul’s her dad then Jon: Yer thats it Scott: I keep meaning to go in there and pay by credit card and see if anyone notices Jon: lol i see sop your not related Scott: yeah we are Jon: its a good chippie Scott: Dawn’s my cousin, coz Paul’s my uncle Jon: oh my god small world Jon: dawn has know me for years Spooky : D Went for a beer with Adam yesterday evening, watched some B5 and slept lots. Bout it really. Adam likes the new flat

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Thursday September 22nd, 2005 at 9:39am

Saw my first Serenity posters today on the tube. Looks fabulous. Really hope that it does well, could do with a fresh take on scifi. Such a shame that Mal dies though... Photoshoot went very well, didn’t do the dirty filthy pervy stuff because he had to go meet someone but we’re going to do the dirty filthy pervy stuff another time. And Owen’s probably going to come over and help, which’ll be fun ; ) Still haven’t managed to acquire a (truck/van/estate car/very strong man capable of carrying a double bed a mile) yet so kinda nervous about this weekend. mojen was moaning at me to be at her party, like I have a choice about it or something. I have to move this weekend and it will take as long as it will take. Hopefully will hear from Mother and find out if we’re doing food Sunday or not. Cancelling Sat birthday meal because of the move, will probably have it another time. I’m going to be 31 on Tuesday. fruitbat needs to sort out his ageing thing so I can catch up - I thought all gay men hung around 35 for a few years before moving on to 36? Nikki suggested we all do Amsterdam for a weekend so will float the idea around, even though I’m fairly sure I’m too cheap to be able to afford to go. Still need to find a wodge of money somehow. Considering (as I’ve got the hang of manual focus now - almost all of last night was in focus!) putting an ad on gumtree selling myself as a photographer to earn some spare cash in my spare time. Need to track James down before the weekend and get him to move his stuff. Need to put him and TJ and me into my bedroom to work out what out of the remains belong to Adam or David as there’s still shitloads of clothes everywhere. Need to get some boxes and make people use them... So much to do. Seeing Adam tonight for the first time since he ran off - will see what happens. Will see if I get the truth or not then decide what to do from there. Still need sleep, even though I had a relatively early night last night...

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Wednesday September 21st, 2005 at 23:10pm

Alex by me (clicky)
Alex by me
(Small).jpg Photoshoot went well : ) Alex is lovely

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You can’t take the sky from me...

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 at 8:38am

Deeply impressed with Serenity - outstanding fight scenes, amazing CGI, brilliant photography, impressive writing and plot development and a bittersweet ending. Not impressed with bus services in kent. *smirk* Got there with no hassle - met mogwai and lloyd at charing cross (Owen wussed out - not that TJ minded) - train to Greenhithe and then bus. Nachos : D Left the cinema at 10, failed to find a bus to the station so ended up having to bus to Woolwich (twattish bus driver too “are you lot parrots? Which one of you is talking” even though the only person talking was TJ and all he was trying to find out was if he accepted London travelcards in the depths of Kent). From Woolwich we got food and a bus to Greenwich - stopped to take in the view and then DLRd home. Today I am meeting deep_alex22 at Limehouse and doing a photoshoot : D

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There’s a wild man in my head....

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 at 23:10pm

On a bus trying to make grafitti work after too much beer. So there may be typos. Not sure what to say other than I’m scared and hate the whole of life right now. I’m drowning in debt and don’t know what to do to make it right - I try but the immensity of my debt scares me right now. I am out of luck. I have always managed somehow to escape my problems but I think I’m about to hit rock bottom. I go out and feel fine and pretend it’s all ok but it’s not. I end up being sad and alone wherever I am and I don’t know what to do for the first time in my life. I want to help a friend but I can’t - I want to help myself but I can’t do that either, I feel my hands are tied. I need to be grounded but I don’t know how any more. I am burying things both financially and spiritually and I need to feel free again. I am fucked and I have no idea how to be unfucked. And no wish to ask for help fixing my own mistakes : ( Somehow I need a spare £700 next month. I’ve done all I can to gain as much spare as I can but it still won’t be enough. Sometimes I really hate life : (

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Tuesday September 20th, 2005 at 8:52am

I have the fear! Hope no-one gets too close *smirk* Windypopsed for a bit yesterday after blogging. Cheered me up some. Lloyd did me a favour which I’m greatful for but probably shouldn’t have accepted. Wished bump a happy birthday, saw mattnottm, waved at some people, drank a little more...went home to sleep a little at 2 : (

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There’s a wild man in my head....

Monday September 19th, 2005 at 9:35am

On a bus trying to make grafitti work after too much beer. So there may be typos. Not sure what to say other than I’m scared and hate the whole of life right now. I’m drowning in debt and don’t know what to do to make it right - I try but the immensity of my debt scares me right now. I am out of luck. I have always managed somehow to escape my problems but I think I’m about to hit rock bottom. I go out and feel fine and pretend it’s all ok but it’s not. I end up being sad and alone wherever I am and I don’t know what to do for the first time in my life. I want to help a friend but I can’t - I want to help myself but I can’t do that either, I feel my hands are tied. I need to be grounded but I don’t know how any more. I am burying things both financially and spiritually and I need to feel free again. I am fucked and I have no idea how to be unfucked. And no wish to ask for help fixing my own mistakes : ( Somehow I need a spare £700 next month. I’ve done all I can to gain as much spare as I can but it still won’t be enough. Sometimes I really hate life : (

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Monday September 19th, 2005 at 8:34am

Me splishy at Stiffkey camping (clicky)
Me splishy at Stiffkey camping
Still feeling rough. Shouldn’t have gone out Friday but fuck it. Retro and then ref : Danny’s theatre bar thing - too much champagne - odd arguments - chatted to keybuk too which was interesting. He didn’t tell me anything I wasn’t already aware of but told me more than most know about the coming thing and about me - so he either reads my blog or knows his stuff ; ) Feel hot & cold - need the loo constantly - feel the heat in my nose and back of throat - this all tells me not only am I still ill but that I’m still being made ill. Saturday I took Lloyd to the new flat to see what he thought - got confused by the fact someone was already in it. So that’s how I met Bill - the landlord’s handyman. Chatted about the two flats - he asked me to leave him a list of stuff I need and he’d make sure it got there ok. He told me he’d not be starting work on my flat for another week so I know just how much time I have to move things - rah! Left and went back to the bus stop, got on bus - forced off bus outside Wing’s buffet so Lloyd could buy me lunch. Yummy. Cor. According to the Metro, 7 people are in line for a complete face transplant! Lounged about online - chatted to some nice bloke’s boyfriend (I’m terrible) and then huggie and PoBK popped over and came to visit the new flat. So we wandered there by foot - discovered we were quite close to Jon (refugee) as we walked past his flat (apparently!). My new flat was greeted with much approval - helped by the view of the sun setting from the 5th floor balcony. Everyone seems agreed that it’s a grotty area, grotty looking building but nice inside. Took sunset piccies and flickr’d them. Went back home, lounged about online again and then found out that alamac and mozza were going to drive over and move stuff. We managed about half of one room before dying of boredom (well, filling up the cars anyways) and drove over. Got there at pub kicking out time and it was still lovely and quiet on the streets. This is either because looks are deceptive and it’s not that much of a bad area, or people know not to go out after 7pm because they’ll be shot. We’ll see...Warren’s first impression of the flat was good though too. Eventually got back to the old flat, ordered Pizza to say thanks to everyone. Ali and Tom ran off home and then promptly rearrived as Tom had worked out he’d left his laptop in the new flat. So lent him keys so he could grab it back again. Sunday we packed bits, I washed up bits, chatted online, watched some B5, watched another Carnivàle with Warren and buggered off to the new flat at about 11:30pm to leave my list of things. Going to pop there tonight with a duster I think and make sure all my stuff is shiny. I have enough there to write music, and figure that might be a good thing to do whilst I have no internet. Been planning my room and so far I think I have enough space for computer, music and bed. We’ll see ; ) Got home last night to find firemen outside putting out the downstairs bin. James was back too, with posh aftershave which he broke. Went to bed as I was knackered. Slept badly but woke up dead on 7:30. Noticed my Palm’s clock had gone squiffy again and have no idea why. Chatted briefly to Adam online, he was a bit sad but he’ll be ok I guess. Arranged to see him Thursday (if he remembers to turn up : P) and take him to visit the shiny new flat. Left for work and started my blog on the DLR which was diverted to Tower Gateway, so got the District Line which was broken due to “person under train” at Dagenham East (and frankly, can you blame them?). So 20 mins late for work. Bleh. Seeing Serenity tomorrow. Yay!

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Friday September 16th, 2005 at 15:42pm

Search For Self Called Off After 38 Years September 14, 2005 | Issue 41•37 CHICAGO—The longtime search for self conducted by area man Andrew Speth was called off this week, the 38-year-old said Monday. Enlarge ImageSearch For Self Called Off After 38 Years “I always thought that if I kept searching and exploring, I’d discover who I truly was,” said Speth from his Wrigleyville efficiency. “Well, I looked deep into the innermost recesses of my soul, I plumbed the depths of my subconscious, and you know what I found? An empty, windowless room the size of an aircraft hangar. From now on, if anybody needs me, I’ll be sprawled out on this couch drinking black-cherry soda and watching Law & Order like everybody else.” “Fuck it,” he added. /continues/

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Friday September 16th, 2005 at 8:27am

So we have a new flat. It’s 5th floor and has lovely big windows to see the view from. Slightly dodgy area (and Stepney isn’t? : )) but seems ok. Pritty! As I was at home yesterday being ill and Jo was free, I thought “why not” and had a peer that evening. The original plan was to just move there temporarily until the flat was redecorated, but Jo said that it’d be fine to move there permanently if I liked it. I liked it. Took TJ to visit too and he agreed. Didn’t take much convincing. Feeling better today. Stuffed full of Beechams. Still sniffly but I’ll cope. So now I have to find someone with a big car or van. I also need to stay there a bit and make sure it’s ok (no use moving just to be shot or something ; )). Then I’ll tell them that I want to move properly and sort out phones/ADSL and stuff.

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Thursday September 15th, 2005 at 20:06pm

New Flat :D (clicky)
New Flat : D
Have a cold. Slept lots. Not been in work today. Grr. On the plus side I have a new flat : D

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All the things he said running through my head...

Wednesday September 14th, 2005 at 8:30am

“why do you always make it sound so bad?” Says David. So of course I don’t tell him the real reason... Owen may visit tonight or tomorrow. Though he might not : ) Warren is leaving today for a bit too. You’ll be ok or I’ll kick your ass : P Some people say that when a truth needs to be known it makes itself known in many places at once. Some say that this is why human evolution is mirrored across the globe. As is human development. Someone loves me. They sent me a text at 11:15pm to tell me so. But who? I don’t have that number... People continue to be unsurprising. I prefer it this way. Chatted some to gayrath yesterday, haven’t caught him online in ages - was good. Told Owen something in error and then felt really bad about it when I realised. Bah. Need to sleep better then I won’t make mistakes such as this. Thought about the world on the bus. Could it be that the world since bush has been a more uncertain/dangerous place? Could it be that the minds of 6bn people caught in the middle are the reason the earth is seeming/being more hostile? I have noticed a change over the last 10 years — that is far too short a span to be geological, or global warming, without any external effect. I don’t know answers. I need more practice at truth. Then I will find answers. Had too much pizza and too much Babylon 5. Fed Gaz some Serenity stuff. Chatted to Warren, who needed to talk some. It’s cool...he knows he can trust me I think which is shiny. Thought about shit and realised that exactly a week from yesterday I’d be sat watching Serenity and exactly a week after that I’d be 31. Scary. I can remember when I wouldn’t talk to people over 25 because that was so old... I have been in London almost exactly 8 years now. 8 years that have flown past, yet I can’t really remember anything else. How did I manage to live day to day, hand to mouth, on £30 a week and still manage to be happy? How did I afford to live? I get what, twenty times that now? And still I can’t make ends meet. Read Adam’s blog today. Not sure what to make of it. If he’s implying that I used him as a “cash cow” then he’s incorrect, I discussed with him when TJ moved in about the rent issue. He told me he could pay it. I told him I’d treat him and TJ equally, he agreed that that was fine. He reneged on that. He sent me a message telling me he missed me and that he wanted to talk. So that’s what we’ll do, maybe I’ll get to the bottom of this. I just need him to understand that I’m upset about a few things that I shan’t discuss here (and haven’t discussed here) as they are the kinds of things that would damage people. I also really need him to understand that saying “I’ve always said to people that I am me, no more, no less, take me for what I am” is a horrible and cheap way to get out of any responsibility to friends for your own behaviour. If you feel alone and you feel like no-one knows you then it’s your own fault for making yourself feel alone, by making yourself a different person by not being truthful. I know, I’ve been there. I’ve done that. How can people know who you are when you only show them what they want to see? There is wisdom in dropping the facade, letting the world see you for who you truly are, and accepting that you can’t be everyone’s friend. Those that truly care will be there for you. But only if you treat them with honesty, respect, and compassion. It doesn’t work if it’s all surface and deep down you don’t really care. “Sorry, I’m crap” every time you let someone down isn’t an excuse or an apology unless you stop doing it.

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On the bus...

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 at 18:21pm

Bored of tubes so bussing home and blogging. Will play with flickr a bit later I think. Getting annoyed with money, gotta think of a way out of this mess and get my cashflow back in order. Being good about stuff at the moment as I’m tired and need not to be making a bad impression at work. Don’t think I am, but am also not working at 100% of my ability and need to be. I feel trapped somewhat and it’s not good. Tonight I’m gonna wander some with Warren I think - and going to try and fix his travelcard too. I always feel depression more in the autumn - It’s why I am like I am at the moment. I suppose I could take pills but I don’t want to have to feel better - I work ok as a person without the forced highs. I feel so tired all the time though - I wish I didn’t - and then I go to sleep and it’s a really light sleep - I wake up so easily... it’s bad. People everywhere are panic buying petrol. Because of a supposed protest that’s about to happen. I suspect it could be that there really is a shortage of petrol and that this is a convenient way to hide it until someone works out what to do about it. Rumours that we’ve hit peak oil coupled with a market that just grows and grows. Well, if we haven’t hit yet then it will be soon, and America, who account for nearly a quarter of oil use, won’t leave the oil in the hands of other people - there will come a day when they can’t buy enough. Chavez will go. Iraq is already in the hands of US corporations. Alaskan tundra has been opened up. And Europe, Russia and China will need to share a dwindling resource with the US. And they really don’t like sharing. A storm is coming. It will affect every person on the planet. And the people in power, the ones we elected to stop terror and keep us safe? They’re the ones fanning the flames. There will be no winners. We will all lose, but the people in power seem blisfully unaware of this.

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Tuesday September 13th, 2005 at 15:13pm

I’m now a flickr pro user. So I might just upload the world and let everyone see how lovely my piccies are ; )

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Tuesday September 13th, 2005 at 9:23am

...and Golf *still* isn’t interesting...

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Tuesday September 13th, 2005 at 8:35am

Finished some bits for work - was shiny. Tho was a bit late in and suffering from no sleep. Bought The Wall special edition thing and Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s “Welcome to the Pleasuredome” - which has some great track titles such as “Krisco Kisses” at lunch. Ate too much. Oops! Still not bored of just walking for an hour every lunchtime - it’s very theraputic. Very brief chat to jamesog on yahoo. He just popped up online. Didn’t recognise my ID when I said hello. Seemed different, in a good way, but ran off after a few words. Kinda left me in an odd mood as I’ve been thinking more about him of late - just makes me wish we could go for coffee or something and catch up. Also leaves me feeling faintly bitter because he told me he’d never forget me, I was too important to him because I had helped him a lot... Oh well - maybe one day... Got back home and ate the remains of the lasagne and watched more B5. Warren could tell something was up but I don’t think I explained it well. Watched the Wall as TJ and Warren looked on, slightly puzzled... Gaz turned up, gave TJ yet another excuse to pull his mac apart and then went to Windypops with Warren. I went to bed. Slept until about 3:30 - Warren woke me when getting into bed, was tired so just went back to sleep but he was upset about something...will talk to him when he gets up and give him a big hug tonight...

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This is long but worth reading - it’s from a friend who talks to the guy in question on the ’net - Scott I want to get this all out to everyone (before I forget details) so please excuse my not writing to everyone who wrote to me individually. Candy and I are back in sweet Mena, Arkansas after a 12 hour drive from New Orleans last night. We are well (apart from odd rashes and scratches (we are off to get checked out today) and even have our Lab/Bassethound, Della. I am feeling a little guilty in that we haven’t lost anything! Anyway, Candy is a nurse in a seniors’ residence in the French Quarter (Maison Hospitaliere) and she said on Sunday that she would be going into work as usual. I said that I would go too, as they were bound to need help. Luckily we had my old farm truck (’85 Ford F150) Got to the Maison, where, surprisingly, all the staff had arrived too. There were 67 residents, and 27 staff including the Administrator. I had a bedside 22 automatic which I had put in my bag ‘just in case - you never know etc’.. Of the residents, about half are ambulatory and rational, the remainder a mixture ranging from tube feeders to altzheimers. Katrina came and went. Some damage to shutters, rooftiles- nothing serious but we kept working to make sure residents were happy and felt secure. Generator came on to emergency lighting and any life support systems. Admin got on phone Tuesday am to arrange transport out. We told residents that busses would be here in 6 hours. I went out to make contact with anyone who could help with the Hospialiere evac. I found that our bit of New Orleans was dry and relatively damage free. Plenty of Police about, all preening for the newsmen who had descended like flies on a corpsee, but none had any authority to help, nor could contact those who could make a decision. The kitchen worked on gas, and kept supplying three squares per person daily. The deep freeze was also on emergency power. I checked diesel and we had one and a half 55 gals total. Enough for four days. The Maison occupies nearly an entire block of the quarter and is nearly 150 years old. Was opened for ‘the widows of sea captains’, but now is unisex and cares for medicare patients too. The only part of the block not owned, is a semi-derelict building which staff called ‘the Crack House’. The wall separating them from us was blown down. The deputy head nurse had a .38 and I had the .22 (which was nice). Phone lines worked, although cell phones didn’t. Air conditioning didn’t work either. Before the storm, the danger was going to be from the roof, so all patients were brought downstairs. After the storm, we got information that their was going to be 12’ of flood water, so (even tho the lifts had ceased) we got everyone upstairs. The critical patients were upstairs anyway. When it became clear that there wasn’t to be flooding in the quarter, and that transport was imminent, we moved most people back down again. They sat in their wheelchairs in rows, waiting for evacuation. On Tuesday afternoon the Administrator found that the busses he had arranged weren’t coming. No one knew why. So he began to find some more. This he did (from Shreveport) some seven hours away. We told the residents who were getting uncomfortable and uneasy. Those that had their own rooms, were asked to sleep in them and all to get some rest. Took the Admin to a home in St Charles Ave to rescue his Burmese cat. Waded ther last 4 blocks throughwater up to knee high. I remembered afterwards that these were the only shoes I had. The truck pulled out larger trees, and rode over smaller brush and debris, and only stopped when water reached floorpan. I acted as a kind of security and song and dance man, my aim was to keep confused and worried residents happy and amused and informed. When I found a stranger tapping out wiring, I told him to leave (at gunpoint) and that if he, or anyone from the crack-house stepped foot on our property again, I w

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Blackwater mercenaries patrol New Orleans

Monday September 12th, 2005 at 11:04am

New Orleans - Heavily armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private security firm, infamous for their work in Iraq, are openly patrolling the streets of New Orleans. Some of the mercenaries say they have been “deputized” by the Louisiana governor; indeed some are wearing gold Louisiana state law enforcement badges on their chests and Blackwater photo identification cards on their arms. They say they are on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and have been given the authority to use lethal force. Several mercenaries we spoke with said they had served in Iraq on the personal security details of the former head of the US occupation, L. Paul Bremer and the former US ambassador to Iraq, John Negroponte. “This is a totally new thing to have guys like us working CONUS (Continental United States),” a heavily armed Blackwater mercenary told us as we stood on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter. “We’re much better equipped to deal with the situation in Iraq.” Blackwater mercenaries are some of the most feared professional killers in the world and they are accustomed to operating without worry of legal consequences. Their presence on the streets of New Orleans should be a cause for serious concern for the remaining residents of the city and raises alarming questions about why the government would allow men trained to kill with impunity in places like Iraq and Afghanistan to operate here. Some of the men now patrolling the streets of New Orleans returned from Iraq as recently as 2 weeks ago. What is most disturbing is the claim of several Blackwater mercenaries we spoke with that they are here under contract from the federal and Louisiana state governments. Continues: Also:

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So who would win out of Mohammed Ali and Mike Tyson?

Monday September 12th, 2005 at 8:33am

+Friday+ I booked tickets to see Serenity on 20th. Yay! Had met Warren for lunch - wandered to a lovely vegetarian restaurant in Neal’s Yard where he had the special and I had pizza. Arranged to meet him after work for Retro wanderings. Was Zzzp’s 5th anniversary of coming to London so lots of people out. Quite amusing how our group of friends is fracturing down the middle yet only a couple of us can see it. Hugged Owen lots and said hello to Compact (trikkitt) who had turned up again. Stroked (straylight) Justin’s head as I usually do ; ) Wandered through the South Bank with Warren coz I was bored. Walked over Millenium bridge. Bussed back because we were feeling lazy. Got back to Retro and hung about outside because it was less hot. Lucas (eventually) turned up - think he pulled everyone there. He spent a long time teasing Warren which was fun. Wrongness and debauchery ensued with Owen and Jen being pissed and trying to get everyone back to their place. Lucas demonstrated his bisexuality at Jen, which was funny. We decided that he’s behaving oddly with me, suspect that he really quite likes me a lot, which is a shame - on the way out of Retro I offered to get him some food because he’s skint - he asked if we could go to McDonalds and I grudgingly said yes. He asked if he could get two Big Macs and I said yes (four quid?) and he managed to order £9.50 worth of junkfood. Wasn’t impressed but paid it as I suspect he’s a bit skinter than he makes out, but still - if he’d have talked to me about it then maybe, but that really was taking the piss. So not sure if I’ll see him again. He apologised to me for it as we walked to the bus stop and promised he’d pay it back when he got a job...but I’ve heard it all before and I really can’t be arsed. And it’s not like I can afford it either. He went home, Warren came back to mine and we watched some B5 then went to bed. Saturday I chatted to a few people online, a friend of mine, Matijs, came round at lunchtime to meet me for the first time and chat on the interwebnet with some people. He’s a bit sexy, even though no-one seemed to agree in the flat (I like skinny intelligent people, hello?) So chatted to him lots. Was meant to meet Lucas that evening but couldn’t be arsed - Warren suggested we go to the sauna, so Matijs went back to his and Warren arrived and we first watched the Serenity clips with River - - “I can see you...” and the fan made “Big Damn Trailer” which is fab and includes all three trailers plus a load of SciFi channel stuff too... Can’t believe I’m going to see the film next Tuesday...! So we sauntered off to the Sauna at Limehouse (coz we are too cheap for the other one), splishy splashy in the jacuzzi, it was fairly empty so we sauntered about, I got to stand naked in the rain on the roof, which was great fun and something that I’m not sure I’ve ever done before (ok, so I’m strange ; )). Found a guy that liked me, turns out he’s the guy Warren fancied (coz he looked a bit butch) so managed to make him share himself with Warren too, which made him happy. Failed to pull the guy I wanted. All in all, we spent about 6 hours in there and it was great fun. I turned myself into a water feature, we both floated quietly amongst bubbles. We got funny looks from other faggots. Marve. I turned down a vaguely fit oriental guy, so I’m not turning into Skywalker yet. Decided that I have more fun with Warren in saunas than I do with anyone else and that we must do it again some time ; ) Home, pizza, Babylon 5 and bed. Sunday I was predictably stood up by a guy on and didn’t really care too much as I was happy. Took Warren to Spitalfields, wandered about looking at pretty people and then bought lots of organic and veggy food. Planned on making veggie lasagne for dinner... Headed back to the flat to sit around on gaydar getting bored. Got bored. Decided to show Warren some Carnivale - he’s a littl

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Friday September 9th, 2005 at 9:58am

The palm’s clock appears to have gone squiffy so my alarm went off late. So I am very late. Grr. And it’s not 9:58 it’s 10:45. Bizarre.

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Still ill

Thursday September 8th, 2005 at 8:49am

There’s someone inside of me And I can feel all their pain The lengths I will go to to Hide this Are long. Blad. Mostly feeling wired but disconnected. Bit like my server, which seems to have forgotten how Samba works. Grr. Decided not to go for the KHRP redesign pitch as I don’t have the time to do it all properly any more. Work is hard but interesting. I wish CSS2 worked a bit better on IE though : ( Company meeting with beer and (40!) Pizza Express pizza. No American Hot though so had to make do with American. Central line fucked. Yay. Got a headache trying to work out which crackhead had developed the WAP stuff. Argh. Can’t seem to find *any* of the pages that relate to it in the system. Fun! I’ve not done WAP in *sooo* long... Left work and wandered to Retro to see people. Decided it was a bad move and so hung about waiting for Warren to turn up whilst avoiding Gaz and his demands that I go to the Swan to watch him be pissed and get off with a munter. Again. Warren eventually arrived so had a quick drink with him and then we both departed via Filthy McDonalds for some hideous microwaved vegetable matter that someone called “food”. James was downstairs at Retro with a scary friend of his as we left - as was Moggy. James was a tad out of it. Bless. Urg. Given up on Central line as it’s well and truly cockfostered so am now squished on a Northern line train to Kings X. Fun. Track failure and signal failure on the Central line make this the quickest (smelliest, sweatiest) way there. Was just gonna go home but decided to do XXL instead, so wandered up to Aldwych for bus goodness. Warren said something about how he shouldn’t be eating McDs in his condition - which for a brief moment gave me the amusing mental image of him being pregnant ; ) Got to XXL at about 9:30. No-one there. So chatted on big leather sofas for a while and then went home. Slept badly due to James being up and about and not quiet. Plus all the other gays in my flat (zaty, bump and Gaz). Heard wierd noises from the kitchen that sounded like a zippo being lit. Drifted off into a waking dream state where in my mind I got up, walked into the kitchen and found the light off, it being hot, the oven door open, the oven on full and in the blue light of night, James sat in the corner by the sink with a deranged grin on his face, flicking sparks from a zippo as if trying to light non-existent gas and blow himself (and the rest of the flat) apart. Most surreal. Got up, tripped over Gaz whilst simultaneously scaring Bumpy out of my PC seat so I could check the ’dar and stuff. Went to work. Got pissed off with the tube. And now we’ve arrived full circle... Bits of song I might write, or maybe just a poem The smell of cut grass Filled the night The scent of undone order Ripe in our minds The earth moved beneath Spinning through nothing Falling through the night Right through the stars You don’t know what it’s like To be outside of you Looking through You don’t know what it’s like To be alone with you With the things you do I lost you then In a mind of possibilities A myriad paths All lead away Some say I’ll find you again But not the right ones Sometimes the best choice Is no choice at all You don’t know what it’s like To be outside of you Looking through You don’t know what it’s like To be alone with you With the things you do Alone on a hill The Fool breathes a sigh Aware of everything and nothing And of time going by The Fool is the goal The illusion of choice The ties that lay tight Not there, not mattering

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I am who I have always been.

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 at 8:42am

I just decided to stop hiding the parts I don’t want you to see. Then you might truly get to know me. Out with Lucas last night - I met him Monday at CXR after David matchmade (or however you say it) I predict a riot! Did Retro with him after he was an hour late to meet me at CXR. Naughty. 5 out of 20 in the quiz. Cock. We suck.

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Life will be the same again

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 at 8:43am

David will understand Joao will not A choice between them was made, but not by me. But I have to live by it.’s the choice I would have made anyway I’m different. I started to show him last night. We’ll see if he can handle it. He told me truth he believed last night. Interesting. Not sure if I should tell him it’s a lie he’s telling himself or not. He tried to test me which irritated me, but I gave him what he wanted

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Monday September 5th, 2005 at 8:37am

Life endures. People drop away one by one but we find new ones. We are pack animals, nothing more, nothing less. But we are gifted in a way no other animal is - we are sentient in quite an unique way. We are alone in the fact that we have a concept of our own mortality - this leads us to false gods and the ability to kill arbitrarily. Is this a good thing? In the infinite universe such a thing was inevitable but improbable. Just as the big bang was inevitable but improbable. What came before time is immesurable, therefore the improbable had to happen. Time did not exist before there was anything to measure it any more than light existed before anything could observe it. If something is possible in an infinity then it has to happen. But what of us? The galaxy is not infinitely old so how did life start? Is this an argument for the existance of the godhead? Some would say so - but Occam’s Razor would disagree. Who is correct? Is there any evidence that our path is being guided by anything other than ourselves? They say that 0.01% of prayers get answered - and they also proved recently that the human mind can affect a random machine in around 1 in 10,000 instances - small but statistically relevant. What does this prove? Well, it proves the power of the human mind and nothing else. They are the same thing, the same statistic. No god. So why do we lie to ourselves? Our awareness of mortality and our unwillingness to accept it forces us to believe in such things as “luck” and “god” and “good” and “evil”. And it skews us. It skews us so badly that we’re where we are today. We are isolated from each other, insulated. We don’t trust. We know our friends will make mistakes but we give them enough “trust” to use up and then we choose to lose them. We remain quiet when others are affected by pain because it doesn’t concern us. We walk past the homeless because dealing with them in our world view would bring it crashing down around our ears. And we hide away our dead - death is all around us but no-one sees it because we don’t want to admit it to ourselves that we will die. We smoke, we drink, we do many things that will make our lives shorter all because we don’t truly believe we will end, we believe in second chances. Heaven, reincarnation, whatever. We need a goal in life or it all becomes pointless. But, the goal to help others doesn’t fit in with our way of life so we make up goals. We invent Heaven all around us. It’s incorrect and leads to suffering. Suffering, The Buddha taught us, is our inability to deal with pain and struggle. He was part right. Suffering, the Jesu taught us, is preventable. Love thy neighbour. He was part right. As time goes on, more pieces of the puzzle show themselves, but we have insulated ourselves against them too. It’s wrong. It leads to emptiness. It leads to loneliness. It leads to sorrow. The future is being born all around us - every living moment a piece of us. It is inside us. We spend so much time giving away our freedom that we don’t even understand what that freedom is any more. Open your mind and you will see the ties that lay tight across your life. Open your mind and endure the struggle and the suffering. Open your mind and you can be truly free. And you don’t have to do it alone. In other news, I got drunk on Friday, Hungover on Saturday and thoughtful on Sunday. David moved out, the flat became tidier, shinyness returned for at least an evening and Warren amused me for much of Sunday evening. Bad conversation with Joao, but kinda inevitable. And kinda distracting when trying to argue a point and Warren is telling me off for my mood, which he can see. Empathy is fun to play with. “You feel less stressed now” "yeah, he just blocked me" “oh...” Again my choices are broadening. I can see more possibilities in front of me than I could this time last week. And I could see more this time last week than the week before. I have some interesting choices ahead in this

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New Job...

Friday September 2nd, 2005 at 9:45am

Deeply cool. Fab people. Free toast. Civilisation. What more can I say? Went through the stuff I need to do to get things working right. Had lots of input into ideas, which was good. Very good : ) So doing CSSy things today, plus troubleshooting some bits. Instant coffee is banned here : D

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Al Qaeda claims responsibility for New Orleans devastation

Friday September 2nd, 2005 at 9:28am

Friday 2nd September 2005 In a prerecorded message aired last night on Arab television stations, Osama Bin Laden’s top lieutenant Sam Am Tha Mumbah claimed that the devastation wrought on New Orleans was divine intervention from Allah - revenge on the USA for its middle eastern policy. He warned that the US could expect more attacks in a similar vein if they did not withdraw from Iraq and stop funding Israel. The youngish looking man, dressed in typical Arab clothes and a pair of shades, spoke of the devastation in Iraq and how Allah had promised to make the unbelievers pay for what they’d done. In response to the 15 minute tape aired on Al Jazeera, President Bush stated that they were “right to pursue the Muslims in this war of terror” and that he felt “totally justified” about the war in Iraq, stating “if these people are capable of attacking us, we must eradicate them. I thank god that he gave me the strength to hit them first or it could have been New Orleans times 10” Pat Robertson was said to be “deeply upset” that it wasn’t in fact his god that was responsible for this. The elderly swivel eyed loon had previously echoed claims from Fred Phelps that this tragedy had been a punishment from god for all the depravity in New Orleans.

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Thursday September 1st, 2005 at 15:35pm

shiny (clicky)
• 9:15: Camp. It’s Saturday and people are waking up. Someone is whistling “Banana Phone” from Mozza’s tent. Disturbing. Think the country air has warped his brain. Thursday and we left work at 5 - said “bye” to everyone there and met mogwai and Mozza outside the office and set off. I’d been clever enough to print off directions to the site from Hammersmith from and we were underway. No real problems at all apart from getting a little lost in Glasto itself. Got into the camp office and booked in - Steve and lloyd arrived at the booking office “Fucking traffic” says Steve as he’s chastised by the Camp Comandant for swearing. As is Lloyd for saying “bastard”. Comedy. “I’ve told you twice now, if I have to ask again you can leave”...Got my tent up right quick smart. Dom, Nikki and Warren were already here but in the pub. Tents in the dark - yay. Went to the award winning toilets and found shit all round the bowl of the first one I went in. Marvellous! Chilled out. Chatted. Waited for everyone else to arrive. Friday was a bit rainy at first but managed to make some sun out of it for bits. Bought yoyos in Tesco for 21p each. Went to a spiritual fair which was strange but amusing - only one person in there noticed me reading them - the “psychic” tarot reader was especially blank. Bought Boji stones. Dom thinks they’re made from plaster but they’re not, he’s just nawty. Scared Lloyd a bit by moving dowsing rods in mysterious ways. Warren got read by a lovely lady who was spot on about him and obviously interested as he paid for a 20 min session and got over an hour’s worth. Back to the campsite for a bit of a drink and a chill. Chatted lots to people and ate bread made from Steve’s dough (fnarr!). Pissed people got back from the pub afterwards and told us all how much fun they’d had. We’d had more tho, we put green wood on the fire and the sap made us our own lil fireworks display (see pic). Earlyish night. Dom was a little bit drunken... Saturday after doing my lil blog bit, I was amused to discover that Dom had been a tad poorly in the night and was asleep hugging a bucket. Hur. Went into town again, this time with Dom and Lloyd and Nikki - we did the festival thing again, listened to a witch talk about wicca, which was fun - she actually knew what she was talking about which made a nice change. Pottered about a bit. Puppy arrived and we went back to the campsite and then tootled off to Morrisons. Lost puppy, shouted “puppy” a few times just to embarass him. Played with yoyos. Decided to go up the tor just after dark. Chips and cheese. Trudged past sleeping cows, stood in much cowshit. Dragged myself to the top and was chilled. Chatted muchly with Warren and gave him huge hugs. had a 3way (hug that is) with him and TJ in the old tower on top of the Tor. Sat in the cold, then wandered home. Sunday there was no hot water in the showers and no loo roll in the toilets. Bah. We wandered round town again, some of them went to the Abbey to shoot things with arrows and lust after the lovely archery man. We hung out around the campsite and then all had way too much to drink that evening. DJ Puppy spun the decks (well, went through his mp3 player finding as much shit as he could and playing it) and we did silly things. Passed out and probably snored. Hur. Monday and we were up fairly late with sore heads. Bimbled round a supermarket. Got told off for racing round the campsite in cars. Not that we were, mind. Tried running some small children over in Sunin’s car but they escaped. Fuckers. Possibly scared Dom with my driving. Sulked at not being able to wheelspin an automatic. Drove Mozza’s car a bit too. Went to the Abbey, where I found a leyline in the crypt and did a holy crap in the toilet. The Abbey was meant to have been founded by Joseph of Aramethia in ar

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