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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Thursday August 25th, 2005 at 13:14pm

Picture (clicky) being looked at funny because of the HoffShirt. All you campers will get to see it ce soir ;) Here’s the image ==> or for a full sized dodgily jpegged version ; )

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The Sun! it BURNS!

Thursday August 25th, 2005 at 10:09am

Can we keep it sunny? Well, I shall try. Orangeness of yesterday was spectacular. Green clouds, purple clouds, blue clouds. All colours. Work lunch yesterday. Photoshopped pic of Baywatch with my head pasted on Hoff, and the rest of the team on everyone else. Card reading “You’re Hoff” which Peter told me was meant to read “Fuck Hoff” but he wasn’t allowed that by Rach ; ) Nice carbonara thing. Felt fat. Tried something on the way home and got rained on immensely. Then the weirdness of the orange sky and all the rainbows. Will experiment again soon. Today is practice, tonight and the weekend are the killers... Ran off to Lidl where I spent under a tenner on enough food to keep everyone happy for a few days. Plus steak for TJ to cheer the miserable sod up ; ) Told him he’s coming camping or I’m kicking him out. He seemed unimpressed ; ) So I loaded my bags up with far too much stuff (2 video cameras, one SLR, pillows! Yay! I remembered pillows! Towel, other fun things...) and escaped into the sun this morning. Tom is picking me an Teej up from Hammersmith at 5 and then we’re motoring as fast as we can to the campsite : D Being on the Tube on a Thursday with a very bulky rucksack was possibly not the cleverest thing I’ve done though

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