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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Wednesday August 24th, 2005 at 15:45pm

It was a fucking Hoff Tshirt. But one with a difference. I shall wear it tomorrow to scare the locals of Somerset...

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And Darkness covered the sky...

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 at 9:09am

Work are plotting something for my last day tomorrow. Apparently I’ll “not forget” them. If it’s a signed Hoff tshirt I’m telling. Met up with James and David after work in the Admiral Dunk. Horrible place. Matt was there who I used to chat to years and years ago on which was kinda interesting. Don’t know if he remembered me. A midget turned up. Boy am I glad James wasn’t *that* drunk and only sung made up midgetporn songs under his breath... Burnt mouth on David’s chips. The bastard. Went with him for a chat to CXR and a pint. (Decided to pause giving up drinking for a day) - then wandered home to talk to Adam. Or so I thought - he was still asleep. So hung around for a bit, then got so bored I took TJ to do karaoke at the Swan. Entertainment! Dolly Rocket and the lovely Miss Rose Garden were there in full drag, having been working elsewhere that evening. Pissed. In very high heels. Singing showtunes. The hilarity ; ) I sang a collection of really awful songs including “With or Without You”, “Mad World” and “First of the Gang”. Ben was there, along with a very annoying fat bloke who was so totally David’s type it’s a shame he wasn’t there so I could smirk. He told me I was very good when I sang “With or Without You”. I told him I wasn’t, I was crap. He told me I shouldn’t put myself down. I sniggered internally... Ben appears to quite like TJ judging by the “your friend is beautiful” comment when we were at the bar. Failed to get TJ to sing, but managed to get him to smirk a bit. Woman with arse that could feed Ethiopea won the karaoke competition and a DVD. I didn’t even get to be one of the four finalists. It was SO fixed. Bastards. Then again, the first song I did was “Creep”, just so I could shout out “You’re so fuckin special” at Rose. Aww. Ben disturbed me by telling me how much he fancies her and how he could just wank off whilst she’s singing. Not on the seat next to me, please... It appears (having read TJs blog) that we might have drunk a little too much ; ) Came home, ran away to bed before TJ or anyone else could explode. Something may have happened overnight, between the time of TJ’s blog and morning as when I woke up, there was no Adam in the flat and TJ was asleep on the sofa. Stumbled to work. Bleh. Wrote blog, lost it in scary cockup with PDA, rewrote blog. Bah. So don’t feel like camping right now. Mostly feel like curling up into a little ball and hiding.

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