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Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

It’s only you who can tell me apart

Monday August 22nd, 2005 at 9:16am

+Friday+ was a horrible drunken broken mess. But fun otherwise. Received text from Adam saying he’d be home Sat. “Scott, we have much to talk about, I’m around tomorrow, it would be nice if you are around too so that we can talk, if not then I will find you another time. I hope you are well. Adam x”. Low on credit so didn’t reply. Set my broken mind tumbling to a bad place so drank even more to block it out. Oops. Really couldn’t afford that £30, now I have zero money : ( Saturday I didn’t do much. Bought some food, trawled the net, chatted to pupjake James, went to XXL to meet him. Was incredibly amused by David avoiding Richard. Serves him right. Got the whole “he made me choose between him and Scott” thing again. Funny how it suited him to do that just so he could make a point of it. And then cried on me on the way home because he missed Bobby. Those were no tears for Bobby, just like he didn’t choose me over Richard. But let’s not let the truth get in the way of a good melodrama. Still, the game goes on and this way, as I explained to pupjake, I get front row seats. He seemed kinda taken aback. I know too many Jameses. Makes my blog confusing for everyone who doesn’t know me. Which is entirely fine by me ; ) So me, James, David, James and David were all at XXL together. You work it out. Lights blew in XXL’s back bar. Comedy. James left Ed sat on a sofa for 2 hours, I gave him a hard time about it but it was actually quite funny. Ed fell asleep for some of it. Foolish person. How can you enjoy yourself somewhere if you expect someone else to do everything for you? Took pupjake home to force feed him cake but sadly some bastard had eaten all of it. Got a swiss roll Sunday morning for James though which made him go all girly and embarassed. I am evil ; ) Sunday was spent helping David watch Carnivàle and pointing out the important bits to both him and James. 7 episodes was sorta overkill. Love and hate, anger and loss, all swept over us as the time between episodes was mere seconds. I should stop people watching it so fast, it loses its gravitas. João sent me a song by HiM called “Pulling the Wings off Butterflies” or something. He’s mean. James accidentally caused the fire brigade to be called. It was awfully amusing. And a big secret so don’t tell anyone ; ) More chatting online. Then an early night...followed by waking up at 6am and not being able to sleep because of what I’d been told and what I could feel. Bah. J

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