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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about


Monday August 15th, 2005 at 12:56am

10 people have viewed my journal since I posted it about an hour ago. Maybe I should become a writer if I’m that in demand : D I forgot to mention the dodgy pr0nfest we had on Saturday because we were bored. German skinheads being shagged by people in gasmasks and rubber suits to cries from the sofa of “Are you my Daddy?” and much cackling. Midget porn outtakes. Some woman who looks like she has downs syndrome getting her tits out for a very ugly man. And comedy Japanese porn with an amazing screaming woman thing. That was just WRONG. I really can’t explain how wrong it was. *cackle*

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Monday August 15th, 2005 at 11:01am

Kieran & Kris by me (clicky)
Kieran & Kris by me
Chilled weekend. Went out Friday night - ended up at Retro meeting Will and Warren for discussion around how things are moving in odd ways. Will departed, I abused my creditcard a little, then went home, collected TJ and dragged him to the Swan to chill out. Too much beer. Bumped into Kieran (who Owen took to my last birthday thing at the Swan). Passed out in my chair. Oops. Up Saturday, hangover. Chatted online for a bit and then went to Kings Cross to meet James from the station. Circle, Hammersmith and City and Met all dead so had to get the bus to Kings Cross. James wasn’t really in the best of moods, but that was ok because nor was I and we just bitched lots about stuff. Apparently he made some French children cry because he shouted at them when they kicked his seat lots. *giggle* Home. Watched the rest of The Inside. Was very impressed. Stupid Fox : D Considered going out for a bit but couldn’t really afford it. Invited Warren over instead. Played with some bloke on msn a bit who apparently “really likes me” even though we’ve only spoken like twice or something. He accused me of lying to him about stuff (which I hadn’t). Gave up and went to watch Telly in the other room with food. James took over and had a deep and meaningful conversation with him about how I really cared about him (I don’t) and how he was sorry how things were. Bloke said he’d have to block me because it was all too painful for him (having had 2 conversations with me on MSN ever). *sigh*. He’s 18 FFS, I don’t (cept Dan, but that’s different : P) go for 18 yr olds... Very sleepeh. Went to bed at 3ish I think. Up earlyish on Sunday. Photoshoot. Couple of guys, Kris and Kieran have just got a deal in LA so wanted some promo shots to go out and do stuff with. I know their producer, Blue, so I said “hell yeah” ; ) It was fab fun - I’d done photos of Kris before, so he knew me, not done Kieran before but he was a natural, just looked moody and fab. We had a makeup artist with us who was making them look like they’d been in a fight, some of the pics came out incredibly well. Fiona, the makeup person, managed to fall off her makeup suitcase backwards whilst we were doing pics as well which made us all snigger muchly. Back to the flat just in time for torrential rain. Kris was amused by how many people are staying with me at the moment. I just told him we slept on top of each other in a great big gay orgy. Chucked them a CD with the raw images, will see which ones they like and process them as and when. Warren did my tarot. As expected, not so good. But there was a strong positive opposing the badness. But the badness wasn’t the usual badness that is associated with me. He seemed troubled by it. Hugged him lots. James looked like he was going to kill people, I knew Danny would be in town and I wanted Carnivale back, so I combined the two and dragged James to Halfway to snigger at some absoulutely appalling karaoke. Danny mentioned that William had popped in and then fucked off to the batcave and so I dragged James there for a couple of beers and then to Chandos to lounge around on huge leather sofas. Random black bloke comes up to me and says “I thought I’d say hello, I’ve seen you online many times and talked to you before”. In a straight bar. Erp. We both thought he was going to sell us Jesus. He went away again. Chatted to James lots about what I’m going to be getting up to with Warren in Glastonbury. Told him I’d take him there some time soon as I’d like him to see what he thinks of it. I think he’ll “get” it too and understand why I like the place. Back home to try and finish KHRP work. Discovered some stuff was very broken and tried to fix it only to realise I had to download the whole feckin site again because I did something wrong. Got up early this morning so as to fix it and do the updates I need to do to discover<

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