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寿忽都Freakcity’s daddeh.

Scott’s blog

Musings on a world I am no longer sure about

Truth Appears

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 at 16:10pm

Truth appears, unveiled behind a construct of mirrors and mime I don’t know why I feel poetical in my blogs of late Maybe it’s because I like the rhythm Or because pretentiousness has consumed my soul Small things appear and dissappear in time with your feelings Parts of the outside break in time to the music of your heart Twisted metal scars, thought healed long ago Reappear fresh as daisies in the spring Slowly the worm turns, the ancient becomes young again Slowly the heart burns, the lessons of the past forgotten And slowly I realise I’ve been here before And I know what to do Thought I might enjoy a break, didn’t realise it’d be my heart Wanted more than I could take, wasn’t aware what it was I craved Left you all standing in surprise, whilst I stride on The pain flowing away from me like a river I’m sorry you were caught in it but I needed out

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