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RobI’m a recluce.

Robmacca’s blog

Ramblings of a postman...........

The sleeping drunken postman!

Monday January 8th, 2007 at 11:58am

Picture (clicky) For legal reasons I can’t name names - but there was a postman who went out last night to a party, got VERY drunk, staggered home (although they did manage to proposition someone from the party on the way home , but to no avail). Then this said postman, climbed into bed at about 2am and slept through the alarm at 03:20am - thankfully they had a housemate who woke them up for work. At work, this poor hung over postie felt so tired they found a quiet spot in the building and went to sleep on the floor for about an hour - the cheek of it - getting paid to sleep! Shocking ............. and now I’m off to bed.

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