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NotDan’s blog

Various bits and pieces

Monday March 5th, 2007 at 0:44am

Bad stuff: I was turned down for the job I applied for. Apparently, by CV was better than the majority they received, but not the shiniest of all. In the feedback, one comment that was made was that the widening gap in my employment history doesn’t help. |Which wasn’t really my choice, frankly, but I suppose it does show that I do need to widen my net considerably. Remploy say that the Council will soon be having a free-for-all recruitment day, which have paid good dividends in the past, so I’ll be making sure I get along to that. I appear to be bleeding into my bowels again, which has failed to become fun since the last time. The attendant problems aren’t yet as great in magnitude as they were last time my colitis got really bad – but this flare-up, unlike other recent ones, isn’t going away after a week’s predfoam treatment, which is a little worrying. I’m going to have to go to the doctor tomorrow and ask for some prednisolone, which means I’ll be Acne Boy for the next couple of months. And I’m off to a Doctor Who convention in two weeks’ time, to meet some of my heroes, and possibly going to Starkers the night before. Brilliant timing there! Mind you, if the prednisolone works, and I don’t have to go back into hospital, I’m willing to put up with any amount of spottiness. And at least I have Lush, and their Lemslip buttercream, on my side! Good stuff: I went to a “LAN Party” today, which is where people link their computers together to play games and share files. Most of the games being played weren’t really my bag, but I got a few rounds of Worms in, which I’d not played in years. I’m sure I *used* to be good at it… I also wound up with some new MP3s, and computerised versions of Puerto Rico, San Juan, and Settlers, so hurrah! I’ve also borrowed D&D computer games from Tomf, and a SNES and some cartridges from Dan, which should keep me busy for a while all told. Just as well, really, as I’ve completed Twilight Princess. My final assessment is that it’s a good game, though it still doesn’t feel a hundred percent Zelda-ish. I definitely appreciate the fact that it’s very challenging, but I rarely had to look stuff up on on-line walkthroughs, however.

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