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Justini am a meat puppet.

Justin’s blog

takeoff in three

Monday August 21st, 2006 at 12:51am

very brief journal entry. sexy helen is round at the office today doing some photos for us so i’ve had to dress up all smart. slightly odd, given that i’m just sitting here working, ignoring her and she says “ooh do that thinking pose again” two more days at work, then camping for a few days with the gays. less people this year than last. but probably just as much fun. this year i’m properly kitted out, with a new sleeping bag, mattress-thing, proper waterproof jacket from the hoff or whatever they’re called and a few more bits and pieces. alex and i hosted a film night last night at ours: the first of, hopefully, many. or more like a few, so far. i was going to rig the projector up so we’d watch brick in the garden and have a bbq but the weather was a bit poo and we had no charcoal. so i made pizza (which rose properly for once) the front room became the auditorium : ) i’ve been using linux as a desktop for a couple of weeks now (fedora core 5 & gnome if you’re interested) and it’s been fairly good. tom’s been really helpful at working out a few problems, and i managed to get evolution to enable TNEF support, so that it can handle Outlook’s winmail.dat attachments. this also caused me to write my first Wiki entry, ever: which is a quick howto on how to get it up and running. i’ve spoken to the guy who wrote the original plug-in and am going to carry on developing it and make it good and nice and proper, and might write one for Thunderbird too : ) yay - fun programming that isn’t work! talking of which, i have to finish my class, and get back to the music!

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