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Jordanj’s blog


Wednesday January 24th, 2007 at 16:09pm

Gettign pissed off with being indoors all the time again. My sergeant visited as promised. Didn’t have much to say for herself. Then today, a different sergeant visited and gave me my pay slip and took it away again cos they need it to prove to the recoup place at Goring that I’ve been paying into the scheme. I have a form I need to get my GP to complete as well so I need to make an appt to see him before I can get myself into Goring. Ex has popped round to my GP this eevning to see what painkillers I can get out of him. I gave her a list of what the hospital gave me and told her to order it all and see what I get back. Should be ready to collect tonight. Wonder what goodies the doctor will let me have? The worst thing about the tablets I have is that I can’t drink with them. I’m getting bored of not drinking and not smoking. Speaking of which, my brother in law popped round yesterday to ‘see how I am’ but within 10 minutes he was complaining he had no money till Thursday and had no cigarettes. I told him I had no cash as I’d given my last £30 to my ex to pay for shopping she’d bought me and I didn’t need to keep cash indoors as I don’t need cash to buy cigarettes now I’ve given up and all the food I need is indoors. He left about 90 seconds after that! So transparent! I did have a £20 note but if he had ‘no money’ he wouldn’t have been able to break it. Told my ex later and she confessed she’d ‘lent’ him £20 over the Christmas period. *sigh* God I need a shag. I also really want a drink. Not too bothered about fags.

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Thursday January 18th, 2007 at 23:50pm

Hah, that was funny. The physiotherapist is a really nice guy and had me do a whole load of tests for him, he said “Sorry, I know you’ve had to do all these tests before but I need to repeat them for myself so I can see where we’re at.” I thought “Oh here we go, someone else is going to stick their finger up my arse.” I nearly said something but held back. Thankfully I did, because he didn’t stick his finger up my arse. He did however stick his hand down my boxers slightly unexpectedly which made me giggle. One of the tests he asked me to do was to hold the edge of the couch/bed for steadiness and then stand on tip-toe of my right foot, raise and lower myself 5 times doing it. So I stood there and went *unnnnnnnnnnnngh* *unnnnnnnnngh* How fucking bizarre, my brain isn’t connecting to the nerves or whatever to tell my right foot to go on tip-toe. I can do it on my left foot no problem. Physio then went away for a bit and told me to get dressed. Turns out he went to look at my MRI scan. Nobody told me that I also have a slightly prolapsed disc at L5-S1 which is what’s causing the numbness and shit with my right leg and foot. I thought it was all about the prolapsed L3-L4 disc. Apparently they don’t operate on the L5-S1 though because in studies apparently in the long term there’s no benefit to the operation. It heals itself in due course. So, Physio has given me another exercise to do, I forget the name of the muscle he wants me to exercise abdominal band or circle or summat. Not a difficult exercise but amusingly when I go back next, he’ll know whether I’ve been doing it (partly to do with the fact he shoved his hand down my boxers) and next time I go, he’ll have me lying on a pressure sensitive mat which will prove to him when I move on to the next exercise whether I’ve been doing this one! Asked him about incorporating walking into exercises and he said it’s fine but take it slowly, build up to it. Funnily enough, I had quite a far walk from the bus stop on way home and it really knackered me. I’ve really suddenly come to realise how uneven roads/pavements are with my gammy right leg as well, I stumbled a few times on the way home. For reference ^^

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No Stitches

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 at 22:53pm

Here’s a nice close up of my back sans stitches: Here’s the whole picture with all the lovely bruising: I’m really tender today and not sure why, although I did have my stitches out as you can see from the close-up picture. Maybe it was cos the nurse made me lie on my front to have them out? I’ve been a good boy and been doing my exercises though. I have an appointment with the physiotherapist tomorrow at QEH. The appointment is at 0930 but I was also asked by my GP to go get a thyroxine blood test done about a month ago so my ex is gonna come round at 0800 on her way to work, drop me at the hospital and I’ll go get the blood test done and then go and wait for physiotherapy. It just saves me having to make my way there and back cos I’ve not done much walking yet. I’m going to start incorporating walking into my exercise routine. I have about 5 different exercises I have to do in this book from the hospital so I’m thinking what I’ll do is do the set of exercises then take a walk around the block. Supposed to do the exercises 3 times a day so that and 3 times round the (small) block will be good. After a week maybe I’ll start doing twice or 3 times round the block each time. I’ll ask the physiotherapist his opinion when I see him tomorrow. I’ve still not smoked since 2nd January which is good, I guess like I said before, all the tablets help take my mind off of it. The nurse who took my stitches out asked me about quitting smoking today and I proudly told her I already have. I was supposed to have a 3some tonight but one of the guys never showed up. I’m well gutted. Unlike the previous disaster 3some I’ve spoken of, both these guys are really fit cos I’ve met them both individually before. Oh well, it’s his loss. Best friend still hasn’t been in touch. Should I even be calling her my best friend any more? I sent her a text message yesterday telling her I’d had spinal surgery and that we hadn’t talked for a really long time and I’d like to get back to speaking to her and she hasn’t responded. I am so hurt by this. I wish I knew what I’d done. *sigh*

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Monday January 15th, 2007 at 22:35pm

Well, my GP has signed me off till the end of February. No suprise there, it’s the normal amount of time off one should have after this op. By the way, here’s a pic 10 days after the op: In the meantime I’ve been doing my exercises as shown by the hospital and I need to ring tomorrow to book my physio appt. I’ve booked to have my stitches out with the nurse at my GP’s on Weds, I’ll share another pic then : ) Spoke to my Sgt today. She’s gonna pop round to see me at the weekend, how joyful. She seems more concerned than I am about my prognosis. Maybe it’s all the painkillers I’m on? My GP has given me 2 weeks more Diazepam and won’t give any more after that, this is cool, I don’t wanna get addicted. Although I can take the paracetamol and tramadol 4 times a day, I’ve decided that unless I get to be in too much pain, I’m only gonna take them 3 times a day with the other tablets. So, I think I need a hobby...

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Friday January 12th, 2007 at 17:07pm

Justin Timberlake has nothing on my Sexyback! That pic is 6 days after my spinal surgery, the scar is about 4 inches long. Oh and just in case you guys wondered at all after reading yesterdays entry - everything is ok ‘down there’ : D

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Missing in Action.

Thursday January 11th, 2007 at 15:08pm

I just *KNOW* you guys have been wondering where I’ve been the last week and a bit. How about flat on my back in hospital having bits removed from my back? I’m very ouchy these days, I only just got home today. However, here’s the story... As you may have read previously, I was having problems with my back but it was improving till New Year weekend when it started to get worse and worse. Then New Years Day in the evening, I was at home and found myself stranded on the sofa in absolute agony unable to move. In the end, I called my ex and when she got here, I called an ambulance (I called her to stop the ambulance people breaking my door down as I literally couldn’t move). They basically said it wasn’t worth taking me to hospital as they’d just give me more of the same pain killers I’d already been issued and send me home again so instead they gave me gas and air (Entenox) to get me to my bed so I could lie down. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... I’m lying there in agony unable to sleep most of the night, knowing I can’t really call an ambulance and wondering what the hell to do when I decide I need to have a wee... So I use the bucket helpfully left by the bed for me by my ex and have a wee... Then I put myself away again, only to find I’ve now wet myself somewhat as I was unable to tell that I hadn’t finished having a wee. : S So I called NHS Direct and told them what had happened to ask them for advice due to this mild incontinence and they said “Oh no! We’re calling an ambulance straight away!” I had to call my ex back round and ask her to come round to let them in to save them breaking down my door... So, I got taken to hospital and initially was on Entenox but when I got there, the doctors said I wasn’t allowed it any more so they could see what pain I was in. Are they sadists or what? I was crying with pain so much I ended up biting down on my hand to try and stifle myself that I bruised my fingers. Cutting a long story short, I got admitted to local hospital for a few days whilst they tried to sort out the pain, then they did an MRI scan which was horrid and scary and sent the results up to Kings College Hospital. KCH then asked for me to be sent there asap when they’d viewed the scans. I was operated on the next day and whilst the pain has more or less gone, I instead have numbness and pins and needles in my right calf and foot. I can’t drive, I’ve needed physio to help me walk, god knows when I’ll get back to work ]: ( This isn’t good considering the time I had off last year with depression. Just to get really embarassing, I’m slightly concerned whether I might be slightly impotent now as well... However, that could be all down to the huge amount of pain killing medication I’m on now and the fact that hospital is really not the sexiest of places! I’ll be sure to let you know later ; ) However, on the REALLY good news side of it, I’ve given up smoking. I was under a lot of pressure from family to do so and basically, I last had a cigarette on the 2nd January whilst I was waiting for the ambulance. Not allowed to smoke in hospital and I can’t walk very far so I can’t go and buy fags. Nobody is gonna buy them for me so I’m cold turkey on fags. I know it’s not the best way to give up but it’ll have to do. Besides, with all the other medication, who needs cigarettes? lol 0: -)

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