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Jordanj’s blog


Thursday January 18th, 2007 at 23:50pm

Hah, that was funny. The physiotherapist is a really nice guy and had me do a whole load of tests for him, he said “Sorry, I know you’ve had to do all these tests before but I need to repeat them for myself so I can see where we’re at.” I thought “Oh here we go, someone else is going to stick their finger up my arse.” I nearly said something but held back. Thankfully I did, because he didn’t stick his finger up my arse. He did however stick his hand down my boxers slightly unexpectedly which made me giggle. One of the tests he asked me to do was to hold the edge of the couch/bed for steadiness and then stand on tip-toe of my right foot, raise and lower myself 5 times doing it. So I stood there and went *unnnnnnnnnnnngh* *unnnnnnnnngh* How fucking bizarre, my brain isn’t connecting to the nerves or whatever to tell my right foot to go on tip-toe. I can do it on my left foot no problem. Physio then went away for a bit and told me to get dressed. Turns out he went to look at my MRI scan. Nobody told me that I also have a slightly prolapsed disc at L5-S1 which is what’s causing the numbness and shit with my right leg and foot. I thought it was all about the prolapsed L3-L4 disc. Apparently they don’t operate on the L5-S1 though because in studies apparently in the long term there’s no benefit to the operation. It heals itself in due course. So, Physio has given me another exercise to do, I forget the name of the muscle he wants me to exercise abdominal band or circle or summat. Not a difficult exercise but amusingly when I go back next, he’ll know whether I’ve been doing it (partly to do with the fact he shoved his hand down my boxers) and next time I go, he’ll have me lying on a pressure sensitive mat which will prove to him when I move on to the next exercise whether I’ve been doing this one! Asked him about incorporating walking into exercises and he said it’s fine but take it slowly, build up to it. Funnily enough, I had quite a far walk from the bus stop on way home and it really knackered me. I’ve really suddenly come to realise how uneven roads/pavements are with my gammy right leg as well, I stumbled a few times on the way home. For reference ^^

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