Dick Entry for “Humans”
Bipedal denizens of a largely unremarkable but not entirely unpleasant ball of rock, floating aimlessly somewhere in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable Western Spiral arm of
the Galaxy. Their greatest accomplishments include the construction of the Pyramids at Giza, their triumphant defeat of gravity in 1961, and the cancellation of an (un)popular science fiction series called ‘Enterprise’. Their greatest failures, which significantly outnumber their achievements, include the development of musical ringtones, their evolutionary (and rather vulgar) method of reproduction, the ‘mullet’ hairstyle, and the gratuitous and belligrerently spiteful existence of Gail Porter.
The greatest human mystery remains, of course, Lisa Riley.
by leto
Added on Sunday June 19th, 2005
All humans are vermin in the eyes of Morbo.
by flux
Added on Monday August 22nd, 2005