Welcome to the Freakcity Dick. It’s kinda like an encyclopædia, run by us, edited by us. If you enter a comma seperated list of stuff as your likes/dislikes/hobbies, they’ll be linked to here, where you can add entries to them! And if you type dick:"word name" in any text it will magically appear as a hyperlink to the dick entry of the same name
Dick Entry for “ D&D”
A rather nice pub behind that thar bus station (ish) in Leeds city centre. Arr!
Added on Wednesday December 17th, 2003
M&M’s for dyslexics.
Added on Tuesday November 9th, 2004
Enter a universe where women has beards n muscular men go on killin sprees all in search o one sought-after rin. Hmmm...sounds a bit like Freakcity actually. . Arr!
"Those goblins don’t stand a CHANCE against me Fallen Paladin equipped with Codpiece o Destiny +5!! Suck me THAC0!
Added on Wednesday December 7th, 2005