
Posh Northern Bummer

Deev’s blog

Crappy New Year

Friday January 2nd, 2004 at 21:25pm

First “real” day of the new year today. I’m not counting yesterday as it was far too hungover to be taken seriously. And I spent the majority of it either sleeping or travelling back to Leeds. So - new year - and with it many resolutions which I intend to last more than the first week. This is the first one - what better time to start blogging just as it stops becoming cool? It’s a cunning plan, see. People won’t think I’m jumping on the bandwagon! I hate this part of the year. It’s such a downer after the festivities. Everything seems to build up to a celebratory crescendo at New Year and then *bang* it’s all over. Back to work, nothing to look forward to but cold, crappy weather and the realisation that you polished off the last of your January pay on Christmas Eve... Still - had a great (if busy!) week travelling all over the place and visiting lots of people. The New Year party piss up at Owen’s was a blast. Drank myself into absolute oblivion (Veuve out of paper cups at midnight was a comedy-highlight) and saw a load of people I haven’t seen in an age. I was (relatively) good too... : P I so didn’t want to go to work today. My stomach’s still felt queasy all day, and I could tell it was going to be a long one. On the plus side, we were all told we could go home two hours early because it was so quiet. On the (very) down side, I discovered I was working tomorrow as well. Dammit. I was expecting a call from the agency today about a job I had a couple of interviews for before Christmas. I had an answerphone message on Christmas Eve from the agency saying that, while the company were unable to confirm for definite until 2nd Jan when the director was back, it looked very much like I was going to be offered the job. So a complete lack of any phone call today was slightly worrying. So worrying in fact that by 2pm I was on the phone to them. No answer. So I’m assuming they’re not back until Monday - joy - ANOTHER weekend to worry about it! I so hope I get it. This is resolution two you see. If I have to stay at nt-hell much longer I’m quite sure I’ll go quite, quite mad. Finally got round to ringing the landlord to check it was okay for me to move a new tenant in to replace the outgoing one. Since it’s only just over two weeks away, it’s probably a good job he said yes! I’m so organised, me. : )

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