
ChrisHi im Chris from Birmingham in the West Midlands of the United Kingdom :) Out here to find some new mates and drinking mates! Bring on the drinks!

Chris’s blog

My day (inc. bits of yesterday)

Sunday March 27th, 2005 at 23:25pm

Bender rocks! (clicky)
Bender rocks!
So where shall I start, Well yesterday morning seems a good place : ) I got out of bed at about 12-ish and didn’t do a lot, messed around on MSN and other random yet seemingly pointless websites. Checked my train times before going out for a few drinks. Got the train at about 7:40 that *should* have took me to Birmingham Moor Street Station. But Oh No! That wasn’t the case with the hopeless-ly crap trains! The stupid thing got as far as Galton Bridge (ie. the next stop!) and cancelled - no reason - no nothing! All was not lost though, because I can get a train to Birmingham New Street from there, which is even closer and less walking to the bar ; ) Got on the train and Paul was on it... I didnt speak to him on the train - infact got on at the front so he wouldn’t see me on it ! lol.. (Not being nasty, just I was pissed off about the whole train things and didnt want to socialise on the transport that makes me late for everything!) When I finally got into Birmingham, Me, Paul and Steve went to the Gale... Was going to be just for one or two but I ended up stopping till very late - or early being 6.30am! I meet so many familier faces in there everyweek! - This time I saw Steve K, Dave G, Chris D, some people who went to college when I did, someone else I know (Who shall remain nameless) and all sorts of people who I havent spoke to in like ages! Got on the bus at 7.00am this morning, the number 9 ... I didnt feel too well so decided to go straight home... But oh no... It cant be that simple - I got off the bus too early and at the wrong stop meaning I had to walk to the next bus stop - Because the number 9 doesnt stop by my house.... Passed Mc Donalds so went in for a coffee, which was absolutely revolting and made me feel like being sick! I had to wait until 8.00am for the first 126 bus to take me home... When it finally arrived, I dozed off very shortly and missed my stop by about 1/2 mile! Meaning I had to walk back just to get home! Not very pleasent when youve been out all night ! Grrrrrrrrrrr.... I need someone to blame for all my bad-luck! When I got home at about 8.45am... I went straight to bed.... But woke up at about 1pm-ish by the noise in the house everyone else was making! : ( I felt soooooo tired! And still do! Done nothing else all day other than feel really pleased because I’m looking for a flat/house share and theres this really kewl sounding one and a kewl guy renting it out......... If I get it, I will have my own place in a decent area with good buses into the City Centre for when I work early in the morning or late at night : ) ...... I would be so happy if it works out OK and I can move soon! Anyway, less of my ranting, good night dudes! Have a great time : )

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