
ChrisHi im Chris from Birmingham in the West Midlands of the United Kingdom :) Out here to find some new mates and drinking mates! Bring on the drinks!

Chris’s blog

Good morning!

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 at 10:08am

Spongebob! (clicky)
Morning everyone! Its official im a bone idle and lazy! At the moment I’m still in bed with my laptop messing around online and chatting to random people on MSN, at the same time as eating any left over Easter Eggs - which I didn’t even want in the first place! As of today I intend on losing weight! It will be good for me and may just increase my pulling power - or even the pulling and keeping power and get into a relationship with someone, lol. I’m now going to get up, and I have a plan for the day: 12:45 - Get a haircut 13.45 - Set-off into Birmingham 14:20 - Have a cheapo meal in the Square Peg ( A Wetherspoons Pub) 15:00 - Have a look around the Bullring After 15:00 - Have a look for a flat/house share and hopefully view a few before the days over. As you can see, I have a very detailed plan - I dont normally time things so precisely but thought I might aswell today and see if things actually get done for once ! they dont normally get done if I just say im going to do it! Have a great day dudes and thanks for reading this load of crap I’ve just written here - I have now wasted some valuable seconds of your life : )

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My day (inc. bits of yesterday)

Sunday March 27th, 2005 at 23:25pm

Bender rocks! (clicky)
Bender rocks!
So where shall I start, Well yesterday morning seems a good place : ) I got out of bed at about 12-ish and didn’t do a lot, messed around on MSN and other random yet seemingly pointless websites. Checked my train times before going out for a few drinks. Got the train at about 7:40 that *should* have took me to Birmingham Moor Street Station. But Oh No! That wasn’t the case with the hopeless-ly crap trains! The stupid thing got as far as Galton Bridge (ie. the next stop!) and cancelled - no reason - no nothing! All was not lost though, because I can get a train to Birmingham New Street from there, which is even closer and less walking to the bar ; ) Got on the train and Paul was on it... I didnt speak to him on the train - infact got on at the front so he wouldn’t see me on it ! lol.. (Not being nasty, just I was pissed off about the whole train things and didnt want to socialise on the transport that makes me late for everything!) When I finally got into Birmingham, Me, Paul and Steve went to the Gale... Was going to be just for one or two but I ended up stopping till very late - or early being 6.30am! I meet so many familier faces in there everyweek! - This time I saw Steve K, Dave G, Chris D, some people who went to college when I did, someone else I know (Who shall remain nameless) and all sorts of people who I havent spoke to in like ages! Got on the bus at 7.00am this morning, the number 9 ... I didnt feel too well so decided to go straight home... But oh no... It cant be that simple - I got off the bus too early and at the wrong stop meaning I had to walk to the next bus stop - Because the number 9 doesnt stop by my house.... Passed Mc Donalds so went in for a coffee, which was absolutely revolting and made me feel like being sick! I had to wait until 8.00am for the first 126 bus to take me home... When it finally arrived, I dozed off very shortly and missed my stop by about 1/2 mile! Meaning I had to walk back just to get home! Not very pleasent when youve been out all night ! Grrrrrrrrrrr.... I need someone to blame for all my bad-luck! When I got home at about 8.45am... I went straight to bed.... But woke up at about 1pm-ish by the noise in the house everyone else was making! : ( I felt soooooo tired! And still do! Done nothing else all day other than feel really pleased because I’m looking for a flat/house share and theres this really kewl sounding one and a kewl guy renting it out......... If I get it, I will have my own place in a decent area with good buses into the City Centre for when I work early in the morning or late at night : ) ...... I would be so happy if it works out OK and I can move soon! Anyway, less of my ranting, good night dudes! Have a great time : )

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