Bingowings’s blog
Living on fluffy clouds
Well, last night was rather amusing. I ended up in A&E because of the ill-health I currently have, which resulted in being given morphine-based pills to take for pain. The result of this is that I’m rather lovely and floaty much of the time now, which is quite fun! Had a colonoscopy last week, oddly I wasn’t keen on something exceptionally long being inserted into my bum, on the plus side I got to see what my insides look like, which was quite odd. Had 6 biopsies taken at the time too, so have to wait a few weeks for those results. Thankfully my job is still being kept open, which is ace, as after being off for so long I thought it might have been filled - hoorah to understanding bosses! Getting quite bored of not being able to go out very often, so off to the shops today to buy a few games to keep me occupied, at which point I can come home, take yet more pills and be high once more - quite a fun little routine! Hoping everything gets sorted soon, as I also rather miss the ability to have bum fun, but all in good time I suppose! Ex’s are still trying to ply themselves back into my life, which is quite odd but it does go some way to making me feel pretty, which is good as I look like shit at the moment! For now though, back to lying down and coalescing for a while until I pop out - tatty bah!