
AdamAlarming, blonde, comical, dizzy, evil, feculating, gratuitous, handsome, intellectual, jolly, kitten-ish, lovely, morish, nonse, opulant, precious, queen, ravisher, shopper, tall, undeniable, verocious, wanker, xenophobe, yellowed, zany; is how the alphabet would describe me

Bingowings’s blog

The prolific culinary mis-delights of a vague chef

Wednesday August 20th, 2008 at 10:47am

Well, I’m a clever boy indeed, I’ve managed to find a rather lovely job! I’m now a commis chef, and with training I shall become a sous chef - hoorah to promotions! This is now my third week of work and I am enjoying it thoroughly : D My feet complain ever so occasionally that I’m on them so much, but a hot bath and they forgive me! I start college soon for my cullinary course, provided by my employer, which is rather cushty! Complete career change for me from the admin jobs of old, but I find it much more fruitful and challenging, which is a great asset to me! I am still slightly confused as to events a few weeks ago, not too sure how I ever felt that low or insecure, but that time is gone now and I am better for it! Not a lot else to say, so I shall bid you all adieu and speak again when I have more news!

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