62024 Word of the Day @ Freakcity


Words of the Day for June 2024

People leave us lovely words in the amusingly named dick, along with short, factual and concise definitions. No really. Here's this month's words so far...

Sunday June 30th, 2024

One who is inclined to error; one who encourages and propagates error

Added by scott

Saturday June 29th, 2024

Evil version of skeletor from He-man toy series. He glows in the dark!

Added by scareglow

Friday June 28th, 2024

No idea, not a clue, never heard of the stuff, m’lud.

Added by Owen

Thursday June 27th, 2024

Jaded – (adj) to be racially bullied by a monkey of lower than average

intelligence (usually fem.).

Added by scott

Wednesday June 26th, 2024

Lickspittle in a red jumper who wouldn’t look nearly so smug if (s)he had ever watched Star Trek.

Often seen wandering around Apple stores. Rarely seen doing anything useful in their own habitats, something called a “Genius Bar”, where they stand around and natter amongst themselves whilst an irate queue forms to their left.

Added by scott

Tuesday June 25th, 2024

Cameron Fox

Added by Deev

Monday June 24th, 2024

Mr. Smirk
adj. a person characterized by a “sligo” look intending to cause sexual arousal.

Added by purekid503

Sunday June 23rd, 2024

See Tony C

Added by Owen

Saturday June 22nd, 2024

Half an hour of damn funny radio. And Tim Brooke-Taylor

Added by NotDan

Friday June 21st, 2024

Tell me about it : S

Added by dolphinstar

Thursday June 20th, 2024

the acts of fuckwits.

Added by plath_belljar

Wednesday June 19th, 2024

ID cards
Something thats normally fake to get into clubs!

Added by chris

Tuesday June 18th, 2024

pronounched Scot-t-age – a kind of soup not made by Ena Baxter

Added by rangitoto

Monday June 17th, 2024

Something tongues sometimes do.

Added by flux

Sunday June 16th, 2024

Fake crisps. Inedible uncheesy toe-nail clippings.

Added by dolphinstar

Saturday June 15th, 2024

Computer EXchange.

Dead groovy set of shops and website that sell second hand (and sometimes new) computer bits/dvds/games/anything that has batteries and isn’t a sex toy...

Deeply cool : )

Added by scott

Friday June 14th, 2024

Jamie Theakston. Tall gorgeousness. Oh I would.

Added by admcg

Thursday June 13th, 2024

The act of bumming one, cumming in one, then sucking out the heavenly goo with a straw. For other party antics, see also seagulling, donkey punching and monging.

Wednesday June 12th, 2024

orlando bloom(ing lovely)
Empire magazine describes him as ‘The Boy Wonder’ of British talent. He’s a lovely, lovely, lovely actor. And my obsession!

I look into his eyes and see love....he l;ooks into mine and sees a restraining order! Nuff said!

Added by laurs_bobbins

Tuesday June 11th, 2024

decesed logo of deceased bank

Added by rangitoto

Monday June 10th, 2024

The act of being normal. Something Scott is a bit poor at, apparently

Added by scott

Sunday June 9th, 2024

How about “Celery”?

Added by dolphinstar

Saturday June 8th, 2024

Rather good sci-fi novel by Frank Herbert that works like an onion, plans within plans, plots within plots...full of intrigue and scary stuff like that.

So far been made into two excellent movies, both different in style, both covering the book incompletely. The second version was then followed, this year, by “Children of Dune” which was amazingly good and gorgeously produced, even though it was only done by the Sci-Fi Channel

Added by scott

Friday June 7th, 2024

Good for toy shopping when it’s a neice/nephew/cousin/whoever’s birthday.

Added by Swinkle

Thursday June 6th, 2024

Babylon 5
“The best show ever made!” – Scott Adams

Added by scott

Wednesday June 5th, 2024

that funny button on the keyboard that makes you do wonderful things and the push of a button.....and another button

Added by dolphinstar

Tuesday June 4th, 2024

The home of Letcherous poofs who like to pretend they’re all grown up and not letcherous at all.

Cheap beer on Mondays though ; )

We once saw Seanyboy’s willy on the dancefloor in there.

* Scott gets all wistful...

Added by scott

Monday June 3rd, 2024

Mash Potato
potatos, abused with some kind of squishing device until lumpy and unedible.

Added by anticon

Sunday June 2nd, 2024

My car.

Added by moogal

Saturday June 1st, 2024

Dogs have owners, Cats have servants

Added by rangitoto