42022 Word of the Day @ Freakcity


Words of the Day for April 2022

People leave us lovely words in the amusingly named dick, along with short, factual and concise definitions. No really. Here's this month's words so far...

Saturday April 30th, 2022

Someone who smokes so much dope they are entirely unaware what day it is, and even more entirely unaware that not knowing what day it is would be upsetting to a large proportion of the population.

Immortalised on film by Jay and Silent Bob

Added by scott

Friday April 29th, 2022

Were never meant to fly!!!!!!

Added by taxidriver

Thursday April 28th, 2022

Anyone for a cuggie, then?

Added by Kittyflea

Wednesday April 27th, 2022

A minor court of Fey, as in “Seelie” and "Unseelie"

Added by NotDan

Tuesday April 26th, 2022

television for chavs..

Added by rangitoto

Monday April 25th, 2022

mmm ovum :0)

Added by mogwai

Sunday April 24th, 2022

Random stuff
THis would involve such acts as running down the road with a traffic cone on your head.

This is not to be confused with drunken behaviour.

Added by Miggyman

Saturday April 23rd, 2022

Bizzare kids tv show from the 80s.

Added by admcg

Friday April 22nd, 2022

Song by Genesis

Added by taxidriver

Thursday April 21st, 2022

see also dick

Added by rangitoto

Wednesday April 20th, 2022

Software Upgrade
Take old bugs and holes out put new bugs and holes in

Added by hitechguy18

Tuesday April 19th, 2022

Scary Creatures, like Intergalactic Space Bunny

Added by taxidriver

Monday April 18th, 2022

Character in Dicken’s lesser known work “A Gay Christmas Carol”

Added by Thirtyt

Sunday April 17th, 2022

Creative County
Slogan used by Staffordshire County Council on roadsigns at major entry points. May not be related to wholesale closure of the ceramics industry in the Potteries, coalmining and metal-bashing in the Black Country. Perhaps it refers to JCB at Uttoxeter.

Added by pronts

Saturday April 16th, 2022

Shaking ones behind to a beat in a club

Added by jamie

Friday April 15th, 2022

They give you a run for yer money

Added by Kittyflea

Thursday April 14th, 2022

A small table

Added by taxidriver

Wednesday April 13th, 2022

An older gent who exclusively hunts young pretty boys : )

Added by funkydude

Tuesday April 12th, 2022

Cottaging Cheese
Crusty man fat detritus found on most surfaces of gentlemens public toilets.

Added by Thirtyt

Monday April 11th, 2022

old man collecting
A Hobby.

For this hobby you will need:

a lockable cupboard or room

a packet of bourbon biscuits and some weak lemon drink ; )

Added by admcg

Sunday April 10th, 2022

Fat Guys

Added by scott

Saturday April 9th, 2022

/Tuppence, Tuppence?/

The term (formerly) used to detail 2 pence.

Immortalized in the film ‘Mary Poppins’.

Added by admcg

Friday April 8th, 2022

The age you’re allowed to do something from.

CF: you can come in ’ere fromage 16.

Added by scott

Thursday April 7th, 2022

....gone to Iceland

Added by dolphinstar

Wednesday April 6th, 2022

Will make Superman gay.

Also a type of clay used for its swelling properties on wetting and low permeability.Often referred to by me as ’nature’s tampon’

Added by Thirtyt

Tuesday April 5th, 2022

No they’re not.

Added by moogal

Monday April 4th, 2022

To use a computer – especially the internet – for any purpose that’s not specifically constructive or "useful"

Added by NotDan

Sunday April 3rd, 2022

Arachnids. The hairy ones are usually quite cute

Added by abeneplacito

Saturday April 2nd, 2022

Murdering someone by pushing them out fo a window. Nine out of ten people who know what this word means have read a book by David Eddings

Added by NotDan

Friday April 1st, 2022

You can take a whore to culture but you can’t make her think- Dorothy Parker

Added by Kittyflea