Words of the Day for January 2020
People leave us lovely words in the amusingly named dick, along with short, factual and concise definitions. No really. Here's this month's words so far...
Tuesday January 28th, 2020
Scientific measure of luminosity : 1 glimmer = 100,000 bleans. Usherettes’ torches are designed to produce between 2.5 and 4 bleans, enabling them to assist you in falling downstairs, treading on people or putting your hand into a Neapolitan tub when reaching for change.
Monday January 27th, 2020
fresh air and fields rapidply being erorded by Tesco, B&Q, Homebase, Mcvomitit drive thrus and plastic happy chefs. and pseudo villages for the “we’ve just moved here from Finchley” set
Saturday January 25th, 2020
Secret Life Of Us
An Australian drama revolving around the lives of the residents of an apartment block in an urban suburb of Melbourne. It follows the characters through some of life’s most complex journeys, as they search for themselves in their work, social and family lives, yet always following one simple rule: all roads lead back to your friends.
Friday January 24th, 2020
The Crow
The beligerent, rude, overweight, menapausal oaf I have to work with
Tuesday January 21st, 2020
or deacon-ted in wales where people are just strange.
The word to express that awful feeling one gets after a long nap under the ralisation that having not slept the night before. you had been a cunt all day long to everyone. Much grovelling usually ensues at this point and once reunited with friends, you can officially say that you have been decunted.
nothing to do with being cunted though, thats for silly people who take drugs and shag gnomes.