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Scawenb’s blog
Mainly blank
I’m an Uncle (again)
Another sister has just had the human joy that is childbirth and produced a small female human.
Well at least that a great weight off her hips.
I’ve not managed to knit any booties - so will have to think of a appropriate gift for a 0 year old.
Viewed 4802 times.
I’m cold
Our demands most modest are - we only want the earth Weather has changed again (I suppose it is spring) It is bright and sunny but much colder - difficult to type propoeerly.
Off for coffee now.
Viewed 4101 times.
Another week another entry
I’ve not got the faintest idea what Charlie says any more Very busy today lots of meetings from dawn until dusk.
Just popped in during a spare moment.
Off to next meeting at 5pm.
Bye until tomorrow.....