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RobI’m a recluce.

Robmacca’s blog

Ramblings of a postman...........

Keeping a diary...............

Saturday January 6th, 2007 at 13:26pm

Picture (clicky) Ever since 1987 i have kept a diary of some description, in the early days I’d share quite personal stuff about what I was feeling (or who I was feeling!!), but 6 years ago the closest person in the world went and found my diaries, with the intent of reading them. I felt really violated because this person was able to read my most intimate thoughts and struggles, ever since then I’ve not really kept the same sort of diary - infact it’s just a case of fileing till reciepts etc and I very rarely would make a detailed diary entry (thanks to online blogging). This year I haven’t even bought a diary for the first time since 1997, yet I don’t really have an outlet now to express my inner most thoughts or darkest secrets, as anyone who knows me can read my normal blog. This week my hormones have been raging (it was a full moon thing!) and I’d have liked to write down somewhere how I’d been feeling and also what I did about it - but sadly the activity is just stored in my memory, waiting to fade in time..............

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