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Photographer’s blog
It’s all about MEEEEEEEEEEE ! AND it’s all true!
Rachel and I went to Filthy McNasties for a thai curry and some spring rolls. I had a pint which nearly sent me off into a drunken sleep having not eaten anything all morning (apart from a yoghurt for breakfast and a banana mid morning). Dossed around all afternoon and then left work before 5pm because I was bored and tired. I got a DVD of an opera today which I am looking forward to watching/listening to. I popped into Marks and Spencer on the way home to browse their summer collection, realised I needed new shirts, trousers and everything........ I am at home now eating veggie sausage sandwiches listening to the washing machine with a nice breeze going through the flat. I have no idea what the weekend holds for me.......its not like me to have nothing planned.