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Photographer’s blog
It’s all about MEEEEEEEEEEE ! AND it’s all true!
I am feeling very tired in the afternoons here in HQ and often feel like having a nap at my desk, but I don’t think that would be too popular. Last night I went to Pizza Express at Alban Gate to catch up with my friend Ian and we chatted for ages about his new relationship and also my very very very brief fling with Ronnie. I also got chatting to the waiter who has one arm mostly tattooed - I enquired about how far it went - he has two tats on his legs and one on his chest - apparently. Wouldn’t mind getting a close up of them sometimes. I have had a busy week going out most nights and tonight is no exception with a trip to the Opera. Tomorrow a fuck buddy is coming round to have some fun and then on Saturday I am out in the evening and a photo shoot is booked for Sunday.