
Photographer’s Flickr pics

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Jace the AceI am a warm and gentle bearish guy who loves to go out and enjoy the finer things in life. If you are not a finer thing, then don’t bother messaging me.

I’ve been clutter clearing my life - and feel a lot happier  :)

Photographer’s blog

It’s all about MEEEEEEEEEEE ! AND it’s all true!

Monday February 13th, 2006 at 23:58pm

Gosh, it is nearly midnight, and here I am listenign to Trance music drinking tea not feeling tired at all. I had a meeting with my new boss at 11am to discuss starting on the 1st march and all the things that need to be arranged a new desk business cards mobile phone new software loaded onto PC training on two pieces of software monthly conference planning meetings etc so far , so good. I just need to finish off the work i am doing for the Campaigns team. had lunch with Val at the chinese vegetarian buffet - she had nevere been there before. stayed late in the office doing a very large expenses claim for £500+ which is shocking when you consider that when my visa bill is paid in full after my wages go in on the 23rd Feb then I am going to go into the red which is a rare sight for me. So I need those expenses repaid a.s.a.p. No events this week apart from one cinema trip with Onur and a couple of other mates. Watched the final episode of dawson’s creek this evening (again) and it made me cry (again). If only my life would work out as well. Seeing the ex tomorrow night - oh, no its wednesday night actually. Tomorrow night is Yoga ! right off to bed.

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