
Photographer’s Flickr pics

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Jace the AceI am a warm and gentle bearish guy who loves to go out and enjoy the finer things in life. If you are not a finer thing, then don’t bother messaging me.

I’ve been clutter clearing my life - and feel a lot happier  :)

Photographer’s blog

It’s all about MEEEEEEEEEEE ! AND it’s all true!

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 at 16:03pm

The ongoing cull of timewasters and fuckwits from my life continues.............. the Yoga last night (lesson 4 of 5) has had a major impact on my posture, attitude and diet. I had an apple for breakfast - what’s that all about ?????????? my colleagues were well shocked. Have been munching dried cranberries - delicious Had a lovely thai green curry for lunch. About to ruin it all with either a Mars bar or Snickers bar. Have a free evening this evening - but an early start tomorrow so time to catch up with myself and watch some of the DVDs I got for my birthday.

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