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Jace the AceI am a warm and gentle bearish guy who loves to go out and enjoy the finer things in life. If you are not a finer thing, then don’t bother messaging me.

I’ve been clutter clearing my life - and feel a lot happier  :)

Photographer’s blog

It’s all about MEEEEEEEEEEE ! AND it’s all true!

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 at 21:03pm

I have just returned from a trip to Greenwich to meet up with my Burnley friends who are down for Halfterm. We went to Pizza express because the girls love it there (as do I) and caught up on news whilst the girls tried hard not to spill their drinks, drop their cutlery, drop their dough balls etc. It was bitterly cold - i hated the walk back from devons road DLR to my flat. Thank god I had left the heating on. yesterday’s big event went very well. Chris Choi (ITN journalist) is very tall indeed and my surprise guest, David Cameron, was unable to attend due to paternity leave (which I kinda guessed would happen last week). everyone seemed to have a good time and i took the time to talk to delegates and made sure everything was going ok for them. TP (the big director) bought me two pints of guinness afterwards so she must have been pleased with the event. Boss David bought me a pint as well - he was happy. I spent today chillin’ at home and i should have been revising for the exam I have tomorrow - shucks - better do that now !

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Sunday February 19th, 2006 at 14:31pm

So far today 1. Got woke up by the phone ringing at 9am, it was the husband of a friend who I am dumping at the moment. We no longer have anything in common and our friendship died a long time ago for me, but somewhere she kept it going. I’ve had enough, and I want out. She is now hysterical. they both think I am having a breakdown. i am not. I just don’t want to spend time with married conservatives who live in a cul-de-sac. 2. Spoke to my friend Ian about 1. and also about meeting up on 20th March - yes I am booked up that far in advance 3. Rang yasmin but only got to speak to her sister as Yas was driving - they are off finding wedding outfits for their nephew’s wedding in 3 months 4. Gideon rang. He is the gay husband of my aunt’s sister in law. I think they are divorced now. He is living with a bloke and loving his gay life. 5. been listening to classic FM. i never knew Birgid Nielsen died the other month - how sad : ( 6. had scrambled egg and cheese on toast for breakfast with a large coffee 7. had two cheese rolls (tiger rolls from tesco - love them) for luch 8. been surfing the net - 9. got a txt from Dan the guy I think of as my future boyfriend but is really just a fuck buddy. 10. got chatted up by a 40 year old on Gaydar but it went no where. that’s it! Got a concert at the barbican tonight and then on Tuesday it is my big big big big big day.

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Monday February 13th, 2006 at 23:58pm

Gosh, it is nearly midnight, and here I am listenign to Trance music drinking tea not feeling tired at all. I had a meeting with my new boss at 11am to discuss starting on the 1st march and all the things that need to be arranged a new desk business cards mobile phone new software loaded onto PC training on two pieces of software monthly conference planning meetings etc so far , so good. I just need to finish off the work i am doing for the Campaigns team. had lunch with Val at the chinese vegetarian buffet - she had nevere been there before. stayed late in the office doing a very large expenses claim for £500+ which is shocking when you consider that when my visa bill is paid in full after my wages go in on the 23rd Feb then I am going to go into the red which is a rare sight for me. So I need those expenses repaid a.s.a.p. No events this week apart from one cinema trip with Onur and a couple of other mates. Watched the final episode of dawson’s creek this evening (again) and it made me cry (again). If only my life would work out as well. Seeing the ex tomorrow night - oh, no its wednesday night actually. Tomorrow night is Yoga ! right off to bed.

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Friday February 10th, 2006 at 14:26pm

Am in the Leeds field office this afternoon. Yesterday afternoon my colleague Sue and I caught a Virgin train from Newcastle to Leeds. As a first class ticket was going to cost us about £10 more each than standard, we went 1st class. This meant that we have comfy seats, as much tea and coffee as we could keep down, or water or juice. AND a snack !! cheese and pickle roll, chocolate biscuits, fruit. We arrived in Leeds and walked to Jury’s Inn. I asked for a room as close to the top as possible and found myself on the 9th floor having a wonderful view across the city. sue and I ended up in a cocktail bar that did tapas and dim sum. There was little veggie option so we summonsed the chef and had our favourite chinese food prepared for us. Plus two cocktails each. It came to less than £15 each so well within our expense allowance. Back to the Hotel where I watched an episode of Hotel Babylon which I have never seen before. And bed. Woke up at 7am and at 8am met sue and we went to a cafe we found on our way back theprevious night for a very large veggie cooked breakfast for 4.95 which included a very large mug of coffee. This was cheaper than the breakfast option in the hotel. We came to the Leeds field office, set up the training room, the IT equipment etc and after the 2.5 hour demo session we then had lunch and now I am here typing this. I would *love* some naked male company tonight, so if you read this, and feel desperate, let me know.

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Thursday February 9th, 2006 at 14:16pm

I am in the Newcastle FIeld office this afternoon and in less than one hour my colleague and I will be off to Leeds to deliver more training courses to volunteer workers for the charity I work for. we have just had lunch in the Laing Gallery which is lovely. The Royal Station Hotel had a swimming pool, jacuzzi and sauna and steam room which was a nice way to start the morning.

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Wednesday February 8th, 2006 at 14:51pm

I am about to leave the office and travel 1st class to Newcastle. yippeee

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Thursday February 2nd, 2006 at 22:56pm

Nice surprise for me home to find the mortgage statement had arrived....the balance continues to decrease rapidly which is great news......sadly my planned photo shoot was unable to come over as his boyf had taken the car. So i rang Dan (my new sexy love affair) and he was round here in less than 20 minutes...... Must apologise to Craig for all the noise. Dan revealed two interest points a) he has his tea exactly like mine b) he knew most of Stacey Kent songs (they are show tunes) He is the most shaggable thing on this planet AND he doesn’t waste people’s lucky am I : )

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Wednesday February 1st, 2006 at 16:03pm

The ongoing cull of timewasters and fuckwits from my life continues.............. the Yoga last night (lesson 4 of 5) has had a major impact on my posture, attitude and diet. I had an apple for breakfast - what’s that all about ?????????? my colleagues were well shocked. Have been munching dried cranberries - delicious Had a lovely thai green curry for lunch. About to ruin it all with either a Mars bar or Snickers bar. Have a free evening this evening - but an early start tomorrow so time to catch up with myself and watch some of the DVDs I got for my birthday.

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