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Photographer’s blog
It’s all about MEEEEEEEEEEE ! AND it’s all true!
Z listed someone today for wasting my fuckin’ time. DON’t waste my time. There are no second chances. I am about to drop an OUTer from my circle of friends, stop flirting with me and raiding my photo collection and get your arse over to my place - sorry? what did you say? you want to know when i am free but you can’t commit to a date? well then.....BYE..... Saw Munich tonight - excellent film, Eric Bana is fab! Saw my new nephew today, and my mum and dad, and my brother’s girlfriend. This was in the middle of a very packed day. I did do some work, but mostly listening to my iPod all the way to Tunbridge Wells and all the way back again. Picked up 5 certificates from the Family Records Centre which have moved my family history forwards a tiny bit. I wonder who is going to piss me off on Tuesday.