
A Strange Young ManOh, I don’t know!  Think of something apt and witty and imagine that I’d written it...

NotDan’s blog


Thursday March 29th, 2007 at 18:35pm

I felt not at all well yesterday – bloated, nauseous and drained of energy. The symptoms of colitis are becoming quite severe and, consequently, worrying. I spent a large chunk of the day in bed with my laptop and some DVDs. Fortunately, I managed to get a doctor’s appointment for that afternoon, but there wasn’t a lot more he could do – he gave me some lactalose for the constipation, some more steroids, and referred me back to Doctor Loft, the gastric specialist. Today, I felt quite a bit better, though sadly not better better. I’ve found out that the appointment with Doctor Loft is in four weeks’ time – quite what I’m supposed to do until then, I’m not certain. (I’m especially worried about Maelstrom next weekend – though hopefully that’ll have a positive, de-stressing effect on me) As a random aside, I’ve realised that I know how to tell if I’m unwell in the morning, or just groggy and lethargic – if I’m just tired, my morning shower makes me feel better, if I’m actually ill, then the shower makes me feel worse!

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