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NotDan’s blog

Bust Up Bust Stop

Monday February 19th, 2007 at 16:11pm

Just round the corner from my house is a nice new bus shelter – sturdy and large, and with proper seats in it, and much better than the sorry old thing that used to be there. It is, in short, a really useful thing to have if you need to wait for the bus into town. On Saturday, while walking to Fosehill road to head to Ben’s, I saw that every single pane of glass in the shelter had been smashed to pieces, leaving it as pretty much a skeletal shelter – it still had its roof, but no walls, and thus little protection against heavy rain, and none at all against strong winds. The pavement all around – not to mention the seats within – were carpeted with shards of broken glass. The windows were made of very thick, sturdy glass, so smashing it all up must have taken real effort on someone’s part. I’m simply appalled by this – really, really angry. I honestly can’t understand what would motivate someone to do something like that – it’s not even like a mugging or a robbery, both of which are abhorrent but at least the criminal actually gets something useful out of it. Smashing up our bush shelter benefits absolutely no-one, so I’m at a total loss to comprehend why it’s happened. Aside from that, however, the weekend was very jolly – Ben’s Feng game was hilarious, and in the evening, we all went to Chine New Year party, full of amazing food and good company. Also DDR and videoke, but if you could ignore that, you could have a very good time indeed ; )

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